
耶穌在動物羣中出世;一生關愛動物; 甚至為動物而死。 聖誕節的訊息是愛,這也是純素運動的要義。 遵循耶穌的榜樣,今年聖誕就轉純素! 阿們! 耶穌誕生的馬槽場景 以賽亞和哈巴谷(Isaiah and Habakkuk)早就預言耶穌的耶穌誕生場景(馬槽):「牛認得自己的主人,驢也認得主人的馬槽;以色列卻不知情,我的同胞毫無頭緒 」(以賽亞書1:2-3 曾焯文譯); 「主啊,我聽見你的事蹟,充滿敬畏。想到你的傑作,肅然起敬。在兩個生靈當中,你會為人所知。」 (Habakkuk 3:2 septuagint)。 託馬太名福音(Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew)還道:「我們的主耶穌基督誕生後第三日,萬福瑪麗亞出山洞入馬槽,置稚子於其中,一牛一驢拜之。應了先知以賽亞的預言:牛認得主人,驢認得主人的秣槽。如今起勢崇拜基督者,正是牛驢這兩種動物。」(曾焯文譯) 這種詮釋得到傳統基督宗教藝術品佐證,例如米蘭聖安布羅吉奧教堂(Church of Sant'Ambrogio)的城門石棺(公元約三百八十至四百年)。 在那裡,耶穌獨自躺在嬰兒床上,未見瑪麗和約瑟,只有一牛一驢保護。 除了牛驢外,馬槽尚應有綿羊。勿忘天使首先向牧羊人透露耶穌降世的好消息。 然後,他們帶埋所看守的羊,匆匆趕到秣槽: 8斯地有牧者、居郊野、夜守群羊、 9倏主之使者立其前、主之榮光環照之、牧者大懼、 10天使謂之曰、勿懼、我報爾大喜、關乎眾民者也、 11今日於大衛邑、為爾生救主、即主基督、 12爾必見一嬰兒、裹以襁褓、臥於馬槽、可以此為號、 13忽有眾天軍偕天使、讚美天主云、 14在上榮光歸天主、在地和平、人蒙喜悅、或作在地蒙悅之人共享和平 15諸天使離之升天、牧者相告曰、我儕且往伯利恆、觀主所示我之事、 16遂急往、見瑪利亞與約瑟、又見嬰兒臥於馬槽、(路加福音2: 8-16施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經)   耶穌在塵世的生活與動物息息相關 施洗約翰幫耶穌洗禮時,讚耶穌為「上帝的羔羊」(約翰福音1:29)。而上帝的靈像「白鴿」一樣降臨其身(馬太福音3:16)。 耶穌經常對被人踐踏的可憐動物表示同情和尊重。唯鑑於過去兩千年來聖經曾經嚴重篡改,我們在今日的新約所見者只是冰山一角。   耶穌有關動物的教導 在登山寶訓中,耶穌指住麻雀同群眾講:「兩隻麻雀不是只賣一分錢嗎?但若無天父允許,一隻都不會墮地。」 (馬太福音10:29-31曾焯文譯) 「睇下天上的飛禽:他們既不播種,也不收穫,更不上倉;全靠你們的天父餵飽」(馬太福音6:26-33 曾焯文譯) 當有人質疑耶穌在安息日醫人是否恰當時,耶穌反駁道:「假如你們之中任何一人有隻綿羊在安息日跌了落坑,敢講你不會馬上拉他上來嗎?」(馬太福音12:11曾焯文譯) 雖然耶路撒冷的人心如鐵石,但耶穌仍深愛他們,渴望將他們聚集在一起,「正如雞乸聚集雞仔於翼下」(馬太福音23:37曾焯文譯)。 耶穌叫人跟他,皆因他的軛夠輕擎:29我心溫良謙遜、爾負我軛而學我、則爾心必獲安、 30蓋我軛易、我負輕也(馬太福音11:29-30施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經)。 在耶穌的時空,甚至在今日世界好多地方,殘忍的人將木軛套在動物頸上,然後附於犁或推車。   耶穌醫好騾仔 根據某哥普特聖經(Coptic Bible)的說法,有隻騾仔慘遭虐待鞭打,負荷過重,耶穌醫好了他(見Linzey and Dorothy 1998:38-39; Linzey 2010:60-61)。 此事確是現代動物維權運動的先驅,表明耶穌愛動物一如愛人類;而動物也與上帝有個體關係;對虐待動物或社會不公義視若無睹就是幫兇。耶穌為解放動物而死的事實(見下文)佐證這故事(Chen 2021)。   耶穌不教驢驢母子分離 耶穌騎驢入耶路撒冷(馬太福音21:7 ),應驗撒迦利亞書9:9的預言:「錫安女歟、爾其大樂、耶路撒冷女歟、爾其歡呼、爾王臨爾、彼乃公義、且施拯救、溫柔而乘驢、即驢之駒」(文理和合譯本)。在此之前,耶穌「吩咐兩名門徒:你們去前面的村莊,當即發現有隻驢綁在那兒,她的驢仔在身旁。解開他們,帶來給我。」 (馬太福音21:1-3 曾焯文譯)。 當時,猶太法律禁止將七日以下的驢仔與母分離。由此可見耶穌對動物的同情超出法律的要求(參見Booth 2019)。   耶穌為解放動物而捨身 耶穌是動物解放的先驅,甚至為此運動而捨命。 在馬太福音9:13中,耶穌告誡法利賽人:「我要憐憫,不要犧牲」。 小販在從聖殿買賣動物,用以生劏祭神,十分殘酷,耶穌見之大怒,將他們趕出去(馬太福音21:12),破壞大祭司和律法師的收入來源,由是得罪了他們。「大祭司和律法師得聞此事,馬上設計殺耶穌,他們忌憚耶穌,皆因民眾都信服耶穌的教導」(馬可福音11:18曾焯文譯) 基思·阿克斯(Keith Akers)(2000)名著《失落的耶穌宗教》(The Lost Religion of Jesus: Simple Living and Nonviolence in Early Christianity)論證基督宗教信仰的核心事件,即釘十字架,建基於基督願為動物權利而奮鬥。 耶穌基督摒棄動物獻祭,結果與聖殿祭司直接對抗,導致被捕,受般雀彼拉多(Pontius Pilate)審判,最終釘十字架。 至於食肉基督徒者反駁話耶穌五餅二魚神蹟中向五千人派魚, 耶穌在逾越節食羊,復活後在門徒面前食魚等等,都係誤譯或偽託(Chen 2020a; Chen 2020b)。 這個聖誕節就開始純素生活吧,皆因基督是愛。   中文全文連結: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e8%80%b6%e7%a9%8c%e7%94%9f%e6%96%bc%e5%8b%95%e7%89%a9%e7%be%a3%e4%b8%ad%ef%bc%8c%e4%b8%80%e6%96%bc%e7%b4%94%e7%b4%a0%ef%bc%81%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab%e8%91%97/     阿們!   FULL ENGLISH ARTICLE LINK: https://www.hkbnews.net/post/jesus-was-born-among-animals-go-vegan-by-chapman-chen-hkbnews Amen!   參考書目: Akers, Keith (2000). The Lost Religion of Jesus. Lagos: Lantern Books.   Annoymous (n.d.) "Why are ox and donkey in the nativity?" Lignoma. (https://www.lignoma.com/en/magazine/why-are-ox-and-donkey-in-the-nativity/#index74-0)   Booth, Daryl (2019). "WHAT DID JESUS THINK ABOUT ANIMALS?" Million Dollar Vegan, Feb. 17. (https://www.milliondollarvegan.com/what-did-jesus-think-about-animals/)   Chen, Chapman (2022). "Jesus didn't Eat Meat. Go Vegan!" HKBNews, Mar. 15. (https://www.hkbnews.net/post/jesus-did-not-eat-meat-go-vegan-by-chapman-chen-hkbnews )   Chen, Chapman (2021). "Jesus Heals a Mule: A Coptic Bible Story." HKBNews, Dec. 3. (https://www.hkbnews.net/post/jesus-heals-a-mule-a-coptic-bible-story-go-vegan-by-chapman-chen-hkbnews)   Chen, Chapman (2020a). "Proofs that Jesus was Vegan." HKBNews, Dec. 28 (https://www.hkbnews.net/post/proofs-that-jesus-was-vegan-%E6%85%88%E6%84%9B%E8%80%B6%E7%A9%8C%E9%A3%9F%E5%85%A8%E7%B4%A0-by-chapman-chen-hkbnews )   Chen, Chapman (2020b). "Jesus would not Like you to Eat Lamb on Easter." HKBNews, Apr. 10. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERkc_PtQo7M&t=11s)   Linzey, Andrew and Yamamoto, Dorothy, eds. (1998). Animals on the Agenda: Questions about Animals for Theology and Ethics. London: SCM Prss, and Chicago: U of Illinois Press.    

六嚿腹肌靠尿療,美國名模話你知!Trans./Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)

美國亞利桑那州Versace前模特兒特洛伊·祁西(Troy Casey),行年五十五,認為自己得享六具(俗作嚿)腹肌皆因十七年來朝朝早飲尿,而且用尿按摩皮膚,另加斷食尿療,及用舊尿灌腸,根據《每日郵報》二零二一年十二月二十一日報導。 特洛伊未成生活教練兼療療師之前,幫Versace之類頂級時尚品牌做模特兒,他道:「尿療法是古老療法,如今談論的人不多。你自己的尿充滿氨基酸、幹細胞和抗體。」 「我朝朝早喝自己的尿,我稱之為狗毛,感覺似上電!」 「舊尿乃係青春的噴泉,舊尿灌腸令我無肚腩。」 特洛伊寫了本書,解釋為何年過五十仍如此健康有型:《尋找自愛之旅》。特洛伊話自己並非一向都咁健康。 「開始做model時,得廿幾歲,不識惜身,在米蘭、紐約和倫敦夜夜笙歌。 結果,塊面同個身開始水腫。」 「有時候腫到經理人叫我今日勿去Vogue或Armani拍攝。我的生活開始受到影響,於是開始閱讀關於營養的資料,實行各種功法,諸如山草藥、斷食、食自然食物,尋求自救。」 「無幾耐,照鏡開始見效。 我迷上了自然療法同古老療法,同時真正理解何謂健康。」 特洛伊話無意中讀到印度阿育吠陀醫學中的天水療法(尿療),大感興趣。第一趟飲尿,係有次揸長途車,費事落車屙尿,一於在車上飲返,那種感覺恍如「觸電好爽」,從此斷斷續續飲天水。 後來,有位朋友透露靠尿療法醫好睾丸癌,特洛伊就開始探索其他方法吸尿,包括一周斷食尿療,用舊尿液灌直腸,以及用尿護膚。 「大藥廠不想你知,健康的秘訣本已內置於我們人體,不假外求。 我就係想教識大家自我療癒的方法。」   Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/former-versace-model-attributes-ripped-body-to-urine-therapy/ !


Former Versace Model Attributes Ripped Body to Urine Therapy

Former Versace model Troy Casey from Arizona puts his six pack abs at 55 down to drinking his own urine on a daily basis and applying it to his skin for nearly 20 years -- even doing week-long urine fasts and putting aged urine enemas in his rectum, according to Daily Mail.   Troy - who modeled for top fashion brands like Versace before becoming a Life Coach and Healer - says: 'Urine therapy is an ancient practice - it just doesn't get talked about a lot. Your own pee is full of amino acids, stem cells and antibodies.'   'I drink my own urine every morning - I call it hair of the dog! The feeling is electric. 'Applying aged urine is the fountain of youth and aged urine enemas are one of the ways I got my stomach so flat.   Troy, who has penned a book on the health secrets behind his good looks—Ripped at 50: A Journey to Self Love—says he wasn't always so healthy. He explains: 'When I started modelling in my twenties, I was living the high life, partying in Milan, New York and London and not looking after myself. As a result, I would bloat and hold on to the extra water in my face and body.' 'Sometimes I would be so bloated that casting agents would tell me not to go to Vogue or Armani shoot today. It began affecting my life and so I began reading up on nutrition and practising stuff like herbal medicine, fasting and eating real foods to combat it.' 'Soon after, I started getting results when I looked in the mirror. I became hooked to learning about natural and ancient healing methods and truly understanding health.' Troy says he became interested in urine therapy - also known as 'Shivambu' in Ayurvedic medicine - in 2004. He first drank his own pee when he couldn't be bothered to stop for a toilet trip during a long car journey and the feeling of tasting his wee was 'electric'. Troy says: 'I had read about the benefits of urine therapy in ancient Ayurverdic medicine and the information resonated it.' 'The first time I tried my own urine, I was driving from San Francisco from Los Angeles. It's a long five hour drive. I didn't want to stop to take a leak so I peed in a cup and drank it and I was like hey that's not so bad! Drinking my own urine, it wasn't as bad as the mental barrier in my own mind.' 'The electricity were so immediate and subtle - I felt a cool buzz. Intuitively, it just felt good. I drank my urine on and off for a while from there.'   However after his friend claimed to beat cancer with the help of urine therapy, Troy began exploring other ways to ingest his own pee - doing week-long urine fasts, putting aged urine enemas in his rectum and applying his own wee topically. Troy says the benefits to his health, skin and physique were astonishing. He recalls: 'My friend who beat testicular cancer with Shivambu challenged me to a seven-day urine fast where I just drank and looped my own urine for a week.' 'From there, I got into aged urine enemas where I would cultivate my own urine and ferment it in a sealed mason jar for two weeks before transferring into my rectum.' He explains: 'For my health, drinking urine is there for me every morning. It's in my arsenal - along with hydration, nutrition and sleep.' 'If the apocalypse ever happens and we don't have access to water anymore, I've got my urine! I got my own water to drink! I survived on my own pee before and it works.' 'I'm fifty-five years old and look at my vitality, my skin, my body, my health. People are impressive by my physique and energy at my age.' 'What so many pharmaceutical companies don't want to tell you is that we as humans are the secret to health. That's what I try to teach people in everything I do.' Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/former-versace-model-attributes-ripped-body-to-urine-therapy/   !

西班牙尿療法醫皮膚問題行之有效. Trans./Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)

二零一七年西班牙民族醫學家José Ramón Vallejo Villalobos 等人在克羅地亞醫學期刊Acta medico-historica adriatica(AMHA)發表學術論文〈從二十世紀初至今,西班牙人尿療法:歷史文獻概覽及一當代案例研究〉(Human urine-based therapeutics in Spain from the early 20th century to the present: a historical literature overview and a present-day case study)。 論文摘要:人尿是潛在的治療資源,持續在各地文化社會用於醫療,包括西班牙文化,現已成為生物醫學研究主題。 在這項研究中,我們收集有關尿療的民族醫學知識,確定尿療在西班牙的相關象徵意義。經進行文獻概覽和某案例研究,並直接分析符號系統,以編訂各種尿療法。 尿療在西班牙民間醫學中很普遍。 在二百零四種收集到的療法中,與治療疾病或皮膚問題有關的療法佔主導地位(百分之六十三)。據報有尿療法能醫皮膚病,例如濕疹、黃褐斑、脫髮等;可治療或減輕燒傷、凍瘡、傷口或𦢊坼,以及有毒咬傷。 大多數收集的療法都基於當地傳統和實證初始知識傳播,具有相關自然象徵意義。 西班牙用尿是兩種實踐互動的結果:一種是道地傳統尿療法,以農村和實用為本;令一種是技術尿療法,屬於自然療法,僅限於城市環境。 本文連結:https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e8%a5%bf%e7%8f%ad%e7%89%99%e5%b0%bf%e7%99%82%e6%b3%95%e9%86%ab%e7%9a%ae%e8%86%9a%e5%95%8f%e9%a1%8c%e8%a1%8c%e4%b9%8b%e6%9c%89%e6%95%88-trans-ed-dr-chapman-chen%ef%bc%88%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87/ 來源:DOI:10.31952/AMHA.15.1.5 Corpus ID: 25172718 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/de88/a59f7be2503fe20b03adc1e4514537ca9795.pdf?_ga=2.112439873.455138298.1667771055-2050457655.1667771055;https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Human-urine-based-therapeutics-in-Spain-from-the-to-Villalobos-Mena/de88a59f7be2503fe20b03adc1e4514537ca9795 !

尿療法能醫牛皮癬. Ed./Trans. Dr. Chapman Chen

多位醫學界專家(例如Dr. Nancy Dunne, Dr. William Fife, John Armstrong, Martha Christy) 研究發現尿療法外敷內服,能醫各種皮膚頑疾,尤其是牛皮癬、狼瘡、濕疹、帶狀皰疹等。更有不少個案見證。   一。南絲.端納醫生發現尿療法緩解牛皮癬   愛爾蘭正分子醫學協會創辦人,愛爾蘭過敏療法及研究協會醫學顧問南絲.端納醫生(Dr. Nancy Dunne),一九八一年在牛津醫學研討會上發言:研究發現尿療法令許多身體疾病得到緩解,例如牛皮癬、狼瘡、濕疹、帶狀皰疹、發性硬化症、結腸炎、高血壓、類風濕關節炎、肝炎、多動症、胰腺功能不全、糖尿病、和單核細胞增多症。   二。法夫醫生採用自體免疫尿療法   根據英國另類療法醫生史葛.孟拜(Keith Scott-Mumby)教授所述(註一),美國加州的威廉·法夫醫生(Dr. William Fife)是位神經精神病學家,已有四十年臨牀經驗,因健康問題被迫辭職。詳細檢查都找不出病因。他機緣巧合接觸到自體免疫尿療法(auto-immune urine therapy),身體力行後,享有前所未有的健康活力,恢復全職行醫,現用同樣療法醫治患者。   自體免疫尿療法的主要吸引力是,消除了識別特定過敏原的需求;相反,利用人體自身的識別系統,而該系統對每個人都不會出錯。此法簡單安全,無需復雜儀器,可以快速習得。此外,治療後,患者無需戒口,不會出現症狀。全科醫生工作繁忙,無時間詳細研究臨床生態學領域使用的各種診斷和治療技術,自動免疫尿液療法正好適合他們。   通常每週一次注射一次。去除患者症狀所需治療次數因人而異。在法夫醫生及其團隊主理的臨牀試驗中,自體免疫尿療法令八成以上個案得到緩解,效果維持多年,毋須進一步治療。根據法夫醫生的臨牀記錄,九成以上病人得到超過五成的緩解,而患者本身的平均報告更高達七成。   在治療精神病患者的過程中,法夫醫生發現許多明顯的身體疾病終身緩解了,包括牛皮癬、帶狀皰疹、紅斑狼瘡、多發性硬化症、結腸炎、高血壓、類風濕關節炎、肝炎、過度活躍症、胰腺症、腹膜炎、單核細胞增多症等...   對尿液注射療法嚴重不良反應聞所未聞,在十萬多個治療個案當中,法夫醫生沒有發現一個不良反應。輕微反應僅限於熟悉的過敏症狀偶爾復發,或輕微暫時不適。   三。約翰.岩士唐推介生命之水(註二) 英國自然療法專家約翰.岩士唐 (John Armstrong)(一九四四)《生命之水》(Water of Life) 載有牛皮癬個案: 男性,現年六十歲。一九二零年六月,尿、水斷食一周,同年九月再次持續一周。斷食時和兩次斷食之間,每日用尿擦皮膚三次。完全康復後繼續飲尿,習以為常,十年後,已年屆七十,但望之只有五十六。我認為牛皮癬和濕疹是尿療法最易醫的病,唯必須及時採用。更嚴重的皮膚病狼瘡,據說由結節芽孢桿菌造成,尿療也有效,但需要長些時間。   四。瑪花.姬絲蒂詳釋尿療外用法   澳洲營養學家瑪花.姬絲蒂Martha Christy九四年名著Your Own Perfect Medicine〔自身良藥〕已成尿療法(urine therapy/urotherapy)經典,其中第六章介紹如何在家運用尿療法醫皮疹、濕疹、牛皮癬、痤瘡等皮膚病(註三):   所有皮膚奇難雜症,包括皮疹、濕疹、牛皮癬、痤瘡等,都可用尿搽,效果極佳。研究表明,尿中尿素也非常適合做化妝品,包括整體皮膚美容劑和保濕霜。   甲. 用新尿或舊尿搽皮膚均可,不過舊尿氨含量高,用來醫許多頑固皮膚病(例如濕疹或牛皮癬),更加有效。   乙. 治療皮膚病(例如濕疹,牛皮癬,皮疹等)時,將少量尿倒在棉球或襯墊,然後輕拍/按摩患處,直至該處充分吸收。   丙. 丟棄襯墊,用另一襯墊新鮮尿濕尿,然後重新塗抹,輕打浸泡患處。以這種方式繼續塗抹五至十分鐘,有需要可重複多次,患處搽得越多次越好。   丁. 用紗布或棉布,將塊乾淨新濕襯墊固定在患處幾小時,療效倍增。這些尿包對任何類型的蟲咬、毒橡木常春藤刺傷都非常有效。   戊. 另一方法是將舊尿或新尿倒入乾淨的噴霧膠樽,然後用來噴皮疹、濕疹等。   五。M君的見證: 二零一四年三月二日, Mmkkmmkk 在 Inspire .com的牛皮癬羣組(註四)寫道: 我嘴唇上面的牛皮癬已有十二年歷史。皮膚科醫生建議許多藥膏,我試勻,但都無效。 陷入絕望。然後見到這篇尿療法文章和這條片(註五),開始考慮使用:- 內服外敷一個禮拜。另加健康飲食,如今完全純素。 改善良多。 第一次飲尿相當困難,第二日就好得多。 內服兩日後,尿味清純好多。還用尿按摩嘴唇。畢竟只有一周,牛皮癬還未完全消失,我決心繼續實行,直至根治牛皮癬為止。開始相信,我們的身體會產生奇蹟。 尿療內服的提示 - 1.朝早第一涿尿至勁。 2.小心飲食,宜偏鹼性低鈉飲食。最好素食,不含麩質。 3.早上飲綠色菜果露;勿進太多穀物。 4.避免食肉,食肉身體會呈酸性。 按照上述原則飲食,現在我不再覺尿噁心。 這是我自己的個人經歷。期待一個月後的效果。   Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%b0%bf%e7%99%82%e6%b3%95%e8%83%bd%e9%86%ab%e7%89%9b%e7%9a%ae%e7%99%ac-ed-trans-dr-chapman-chen/  ! 註一: https://alternative-doctor.com/fancy-a-wee-drink-auto-immune-urine-therapy/ 註二: https://archive.org/stream/the-water-of-life-by-john-w.-armstrong/The%20water%20of%20life%20-%20by%20John%20W.%20Armstrong_djvu.txt   註三: https://archive.org/details/your-own-perfect-medicine 註四: https://www.inspire.com/groups/psoriasis-community/discussion/urine-therapy-and-psoriasis/?fbclid=IwAR2iTYzWfS2-m4oRzO7jW_Cp-6T-AlouV9MDTMV3QbXAZWmC3-A_xQtsgAo 註五:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4633214/;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd3cngcskkg

美國棒球冠軍贏波秘訣:用尿潤手!Trans. Dr. Chapman Chen 曾焯文

莫伊斯·阿洛(Moises Alou,生於一九六六年七月三日)是多米尼加裔美國棒球運動家,六屆棒球明星賽冠軍。二零零四年接受美國體育傳媒ESPN訪問,透露比賽時會小便落雙手道,去除老繭死皮,此之所以,阿洛打棒球不需戴手套,百戰百勝。 洋基隊捕手豪加·波沙達(Jorge Posada)亦道:「我冬季和春季訓練都用尿保持雙手硬淨;你不會想同我握手。」就算投球手基利·活 (Kerry Wood) 都表示曾用尿療法醫好用來投球隻手的水泡。 按:尿素是尿的主要成分,是種化合物,用於許多商業保濕霜,柔潤皮膚。   Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e7%be%8e%e5%9c%8b%e6%a3%92%e7%90%83%e5%86%a0%e8%bb%8d%e8%b4%8f%e6%b3%a2%e7%a7%98%e8%a8%a3%ef%bc%9a%e7%94%a8%e5%b0%bf%e6%bd%a4%e6%89%8b%ef%bc%81trans-dr-chapman-chen-%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87/   Source(來源): https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2004/05/can-peeing-on-your-hands-make-them-tough.html  !

咖啡馬天尿 Es”pisso” Martini. By Ollie Lyon. Trans. Dr. Chapman Chen

中意飲咖啡? 想更加刺激過癮?不妨加啲尿落濃縮咖啡馬天尼。 呢種柔滑的溝法分外提神! 材料: 三十毫升新鮮尿 十二毫升咖啡漿(代替甘露咖啡利口酒) 十二毫升糖漿 三粒咖啡豆 冰 將材料加落雞尾酒振動器,用力搖三十秒。雙重過濾後,倒落馬天尼杯。 杯頂配三粒咖啡豆。   Love coffee? Spice it up a little by adding urine to the much enjoyed Espresso Martini. This silky smooth concoction will REALLY wake you up! Ingredients:  30ml fresh urine  12ml coffee syrup (as a substitute for Kahlua)  12ml sugar syrup  3 coffee beans  Ice   Add ingredients to a cocktail shaker and shake hard for 30 seconds. Double strain the contents into a martini glass. Serve with 3 coffee beans on top.   Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%92%96%e5%95%a1%e9%a6%ac%e5%a4%a9%e5%b0%bf-espisso-martini-by-ollie-lyon-trans-dr-chapman-chen/     !   Source(來源):Lyon, Ollie (2019). The Complete Urine Drinkers Cocktail. https://www.plumbworld.co.uk/blog/the-complete-urine-drinkers-cocktail-guide

南澳州皇家醫院學者發現尿中幹細胞可醫人類細胞!Trans. Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)

南澳州皇家阿德萊德醫院和南澳州大學藥劑及醫學院的研究人員,以Nimshitha Pavathuparambil Abdul Manaph博士為首,二零一八年發現尿中幹細胞可用於人類細胞治療,其學術論文撮要漢譯如下: 適合人類細胞療法的理想細胞應可以簡單隔離和培養技術產生,即利用非入侵式方法獲得供體樣品。迄今為止,可從血液、皮膚和頭髮隔離的各種供體特殊細胞需要入侵式方法才能樣本分離;培養物又需要複雜昂貴的試劑。這些細胞在體外隔離和擴展還需要大量時間。   先前的研究表明,供體衍生的細胞,即尿幹細胞和腎細胞,可以經濟高效而簡單的分離方法,從人類尿樣本中分離出來,而且不用結合複雜試劑。此外,分離細胞,尤其是尿幹細胞,基因譜良好,多能潛力固有,優於常規幹細胞源。人尿衍生細胞轉分化或分化可產生理想的細胞,用於再生治療。這篇論文討論尿衍生細胞的特徵,及對人類細胞療法的醫療應用。總之,只要詳細研究和優化,尿液衍生的細胞就可為患者生成功能譜系特殊細胞,從臨床移位角度看,前途未可限量。 Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%8d%97%e6%be%b3%e5%b7%9e%e7%9a%87%e5%ae%b6%e9%86%ab%e9%99%a2%e5%ad%b8%e8%80%85%e7%99%bc%e7%8f%be%e5%b0%bf%e4%b8%ad%e5%b9%b9%e7%b4%b0%e8%83%9e%e5%8f%af%e9%86%ab%e4%ba%ba%e9%a1%9e%e7%b4%b0%e8%83%9e/ 來源(Source):Pavathuparambil Abdul Manaph, N., Al-Hawwas, M., Bobrovskaya, L. et al. Urine-derived cells for human cell therapy. Stem Cell Res Ther 9, 189 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13287-018-0932-z ;    https://stemcellres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13287-018-0932-z       !   Picture Credit: Thierry Berrod, Mona Lisa Production, uploaded on June 27th, 2016.

以色列醫學博士發現尿療法幫到癌症病人!Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)譯

以色列耶路撒冷理論醫學研究所醫學博士約瑟·埃爾多(Joseph Eldor)一九九七年發現尿療法幫到癌症病人:「癌細胞釋放各種抗原(antigen),其中一些出現在尿中。建議用口服尿療法作新型免疫療法,醫治癌症病人。與克隆免疫療法不同,癌症患者的尿含有許多構成腫瘤的腫瘤抗原。口服尿療法為腸道淋巴系統提供許多腫瘤抗原,而由於非我識別,可能刺激抗體產生。 這些抗體可穿過血流,攻擊腫瘤及其細胞。」   本文連結:https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e4%bb%a5%e8%89%b2%e5%88%97%e9%86%ab%e5%ad%b8%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab%e7%99%bc%e7%8f%be%e5%b0%bf%e7%99%82%e6%b3%95%e5%b9%ab%e5%88%b0%e7%99%8c%e7%97%87%e7%97%85%e4%ba%ba%ef%bc%81dr-chapman-chen%ef%bc%88/  !   來源 (Source): J. Eldor,Urotherapy for patients with cancer,Medical Hypotheses,Volume 48, Issue 4,1997,Pages 309-315,ISSN 0306-9877, http://www.csen.com/theory/cancer.htm; https://doi.org/10.1016/S0306-9877(97)90099-2.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306987797900992)

The Urine Deception: a FREE cure for EVERY health condition

Of all the conspiracies worth diving in to this must surely top the lot. We have spent our lives with the understanding that pee is a foul smelling waste product which is why the idea of drinking it is so very disagreeable. Yet when we research this subject, what we find is that it is not a waste product at all, but something far more complex in design with the ability to cure our ailments, extending our lives substantially and I have come to the realisation that humans are in fact been designed to drink their pee.

A common argument is that the medical industry would be all over this if it were true, so let us ponder this thought for a moment.

Urea is the (supposedly) toxic waste bit of our urine. Curious then that it is an FDA approved drug and although it is mostly synthesised today, it can be found in many drugs and skin care products. Knowing this we could argue that the medical & pharmaceutical industry have been making the most of urine for a long time already.

It is important to note that industry requires profit.


So, if humans really can fix all their ailments by drinking their pee, this information represents a HUGE threat to any industry which profits from our poor health and every effort would be made to kept it a secret.

The medical name for urine is plasma ultra-filtrate

So one could also say it like this: ultra filtered plasma.


What is plasma?

Plasma is the watery part of the blood.

So, just to re-cap, the medical name for urine is (basically) ultra filtered water.

Does that sound toxic to you?

I don't want to hammer this point too much but before I move on I would like you to consider amniotic fluid (which is comprised mostly of the mother's urine) and the fact that we are suspended in it throughout our foetal development.

Now consider that a man's penis releases sperm & urine through the same tube.

That's right. Nature simply wouldn't design us this way if urine contained even the smallest amount of toxins.

We don't need to be biologists to recognise the reality here. Urine is not toxic. On the contrary, every single one of us has been gifted life in this physical plane thanks to its nurturing attributes.


As is my way I have jumped into this subject with both feet and for the last 2 weeks have been drinking a litre of my urine in the mornings. I have also been washing my hands and face in the first pee of the day, massaging it into my scalp and swilling/gargling it too.

Can you hear all those alarm bells going off in your head right now? That is called conditioning. Take a deep breath and push beyond the automatic knee jerk reaction if you want to learn something important here.

Children & animals

To find conditioning free examples in nature we must look toward children & animals.

Like it or not, kids instinctively eat their boogers and will continue to do so even when instructed not to. I tell you this because it was recently found that eating boogers strengthens the immune system and even defends against HIV.

So how would children be if we didn't indoctrinate them with the idea that they should not under any circumstances drink their own pee?

My son Esteban is three years old and has been watching my new pee drinking habit with interest, so yesterday I challenged him to have a taste of his own pee and instead of telling me how disgusting this would be (which is what I expected) he dipped his finger into the stream of his pee and tasted it, declaring it to be yummy.

Thinking about this I am not all that surprised as he instinctively loves things with a salty flavour. Most of us do.


Curious to know more, I pretended to poop in my hands and eat it, asking him if he would like to try doing this himself? He laughed at me and gave the expected response, "NO WAY Sam, that's dégueulasse!" which is french for disgusting.

Whilst this is far from conclusive evidence it is still very interesting to see him instinctively make the distinction between that which is waste and that which is not.

The animal kingdom is ripe with examples.


If it really was a toxic waste, why would so many mammals instinctively do this?

Take a look at how our nearest relative in the animal kingdom feels about drinking his pee.

Go on... you know you wanna watch it!

( Crazy monkey drinking its own pee )

The person who posted this film calls the monkey crazy, yet in truth it is them that is crazy for not recognising that the monkey is just acting in tune with the true functionality of his body.

Our human biology

Thanks to the continued use of the word 'waste' when referring to the role of the kidneys there is some confusion now about how our body actually works. So, let us clarify.

The Liver

Food is digested by the stomach and intestine, gets absorbed into the blood and goes directly to the liver which is the 2nd largest organ at the size of a football, the skin being the 1st largest.

The liver is responsible for 500 different functions, but its main job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract. It is the body's first line of defence against unwanted substances in the blood, just as one would expect given its size.

Another function worth mentioning is the production of urea, which leaves the body with the urine, diluted at around 2%. Whilst this substance is continually described as waste, the enormous industry built on selling us skin products & drugs which contain urea would beg to differ.


The Kidneys

When the blood exits the liver it is considered clean and ready for the body, but to maintain the perfect balance, the kidneys then act as a filter, removing anything the body has an excess of in that moment and cannot use, sending it to the bladder so that it may quickly exit the body.

Can you see now why urine is not a waste product?

This STERILE liquid is mostly comprised of pure (distilled) water.

  • 95% water
  • 3% diverse collection of goodies (minerals, hormones, enzymes etc)
  • 2% urea

In 1975 one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr A.H.Free wrote "Urinalysis in clinical laboratory practice" in which he concluded the following:

Not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water) but it is now recognised that urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Dr A.H.Free

What is the picture Google paints?

Let us google "is pee a waste product?" and see what we find. Notice how they use the word waste twice and highlight it in black.


These words represent only half the truth because while our bodies do eject a variety of compounds with our urine that doesn't mean they are no longer bio-available. What it actually means is that the body doesn't need them at that moment and has no way of storing them, so pees them out.

Can you get sick from drinking your own pee?


Curious to find evidence of these problems I scanned down all the articles under this statement and it immediately became evident that they were all referring to the same situation in which we have no drinking water, implying that we will quickly die if we have nothing to drink but our urine.

This is Dave Murphy who recently fasted for 30 days on nothing but his own urine and experienced no toxic side effects.

Dave Murphy

It is easy to assume that the consistent 'looping' of ones own urine would lead to the build-up of toxic substances but this is simply not the case. Dave describes how after 30 days his urine was clear and sweet, his blood purer than ever before.

Don't you find it strange that most of us hold the belief that humans can survive only a few days without water?

That would be because our education system teaches it as fact.

Can you see the scale of this deception now?

Forgotten knowledge

It is important to question every aspect of our reality in this age of awakening. Much wisdom has been lost over the years, hidden from us because it doesn't fit the tax slave, mind control agenda.

Urine drinking, also known as urine therapy, is a practice which goes back further than we will ever know.

The evidence we have dates it as far back as the Aztecs, ancient Rome, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt and the native Americans, all of whom used it to treat everything from acne to cancer.

These cultures would not only drink it but they would also bathe in it, apply it to their skin and wash their hair with it.

Benefits of urea

It is recommended by those already partaking in urine therapy that we wash ourselves in the first pee of the day. Having done exactly this for two weeks I can confirm that I have never before felt my skin so soft!

Urea absorbs water while reducing the amount of water lost and it naturally exfoliates the skin while keeping out toxins.

It also works as an anaesthetic and is great for wound healing.

Distilled water for healing

Urine is 95% distilled water. So, what exactly is distilled water?

Dis-still describes the molecules which are all negatively charged and just as it is with magnets of the same charge they are all pushing away from each other creating motion.

Toxins and heavy metals are positively charged and therefore attracted to the negatively charged water molecules, so once they have made that magnetic attachment the body is able to effectively remove them from the blood, making this something along the lines of a molecular cleanse.

Total dissolved solids (TDS)

Pure distilled water has no dissolved solids and should measure zero parts per million (PPM) on a TDS meter. It should be noted that tap water, mineral water & pretty much any other source you can think of doesn't come close to the 0PPM of distilled water.

There are four types of distilled water:

  • Mechanically produced:
    Distillers turns the water into steam, separating it from the gunk.
  • The natural water cycle:
    Precipitation in the form of rain, due & fog is freshly created and therefore distilled. River water and natural springs are not distilled because they contain minerals & other compounds.

  • Fruit & veg:
    The water in our most natural food is distilled.

  • Urine:
    The most effective way of all to produce distilled water.


The minerals contained in river water and spring water are inorganic. Not only are they useless to the body, they are actually dangerous. So you can put down that Evian bottle right now. This is in stark contrast to the minerals in urine which are organic and bioavailable.

Andrew Norton Webber

Webber has been drinking his urine for over ten years and now lectures around the world on the subject of urine therapy. He has followed up on 100s of testimonials from people who have cured every disease you can name and is yet to find a condition which is not positively affected by urine therapy.

It is worth noting that these healing effects only take place when the person is drinking at least 3-4 Litres a day of distilled water... some of which must be urine.

This lecture & question session is long but I strongly recommend you watch at least the first half if you want to fully grasp this subject. From what I can tell this is the best video summary available.


A few of his key points here:

Not long ago Dr Mercola spoke about how distilled waters leech minerals from our bodies, which had a massive effect on the growing movement of distilled water drinkers.

Distilled water is NOT good for you and should be avoided. I still have been unable to locate more "scientific" proof which discusses the reasons for avoiding distilled water based on the physics of what happens. When I locate it I will post it. Dr Mercola

We are still waiting for him to post this evidence and in the meantime he is preaching this information as fact.

Webber suggests that Dr Mercola is part of the control system and has been cunningly presented to us as a truth seeker by speaking out about the dangers of vaccines, when he is in fact only there to gain our trust and hide the most important truths from us.

Personal feed-back loop medicine

Urine has the ability to 'teach' our body what is going on when we ingest it. More than teach, it provides the cure to whatever is going wrong. The mechanism for this is simply not understood, but the evidence is there in the form of testimonials.

Webber uses poisonous snake bites as an example. Perhaps you have heard the suggestion that one should pee on animal bites? This is because around 15seconds after you are bitten, your body is already producing antibodies for that venom and when you pee, out it comes. Drinking it will simply speed up the healing process.

Webber goes on to mention Google's favourite 'stuck on a desert island' situation in which drinking our urine is supposedly deadly, proposing that we can drink any stagnant water we happen to come across on our island and while this water may be full of potentially deadly bacteria, this is not a problem for our body as long as we drink our pee directly after.


When we have a disease we are literally pissing out the cure every day. With this in mind it is easy to see how this knowledge might present quite a problem for the medical & pharmaceutical industries.

Urine therapy is also an effective cure for allergies, even if you've had them all your life.

Finally Webber claims that babies smell so great because their bodies are free from toxins and goes on to say that when we drink distilled waters for long enough we will eventually be toxin free again and begin to smell like we once did! Sounds brilliant right?

China Urine Therapy Association (CUTA)


Urine therapy was growing in popularity in China, led by CUTA. Members of the association were reporting on the huge number of benefits. So what do you think the Chinese gov did about this?

They closed down CUTA's website and declared urine therapy illegal in 2016.

I cannot imagine what reason they gave for this but their actions reflect the importance of this subject and the wider problem of mis-information and secrecy.

What has been my personal experience?

The first time I tried to drink it I failed because there is a phycological barrier which must be broken. After researching this for a week I became convinced and started doing a daily meditation with an affirmation:

"Urine is medicine" over and over and over...

Hold the nose while drinking and down the hatch it goes. If the first pee is too difficult for you, drink loads of water and see if you can handle the clearer pee, which really just tastes like warm water.

After two weeks I can tell you it is no big deal any more. Even first thing in the morning.

It is worth noting here that the closer to a raw vegan (fruit heavy) diet you can get, the more enjoyable it will be to drink.

I am currently re-growing my receding hair-line (using a natural method) and had been getting a few spots on my scalp. These have all cleared up since starting the urine therapy. In addition, it feels as if my hair growth has dramatically sped up in the last week. The image below shows my left side today and 20 days ago.


Indeed, there are many people reporting that their hair started growing back with urine therapy and even that the colour returned to the grey hairs. I can confirm that none of the new hairs growing on my head are grey.

Negative effects

Keen to find a counter argument I searched for people documenting negative effects from urine therapy.

The closest thing I could find was a woman warning that drinking her urine had made her more honest and therefore led to relationship problems!

There were also a few people reporting on the negative effects of urine therapy while using pharmaceutical drugs. Indeed, all medication should be stopped if you are going to try this.

It should also be noted that metal fillings can prevent the curative powers of urine drinking.

Final thoughts

The personal testimonials of people around the world continue to filter their way into mainstream media. Take a look at this one, posted just a few months ago by the UK's Daily Mail.

Click the image to read the full article:

Yoga teacher claims

Naturally, all of these kind of articles end by quoting 'professionals' who advise us against drinking urine, despite the total success (and perfect health) of the person being interviewed.

Personally I have learned to ignore the advice of professionals (except in emergencies) and do a bunch of research before making my mind up on things like this. The control system is strong and we must be brave and push a little deeper if we want to get to the truth.

You are never going to see a big (non bias) research project on this subject, so you will simply have to use your intuition.

My advice is to re-set your perception of what urine is and start drinking the stuff right away. Based on my not so long list of side effects I was able to find, what have you got to lose?

Happy to answer any questions you may have.

Further reading

This is a large amount of literature on this subject.


In 1945 John W. Armstrong (a British naturopath) published a book about the curative power of urine, “The Water of Life: A Treatise on Urine Therapy”.

In it he claims that urine can cure all major illnesses and that those near death need only to stop taking their medication and fast on their own urine to see immediate signs of reversal.

Even here on steem we can find personal testimonials which fit this picture. Hit the link below to learn how @aware007 fixed a long-term issue with gastroesophageal reflux disease and an abscess in his tooth using urine therapy.


Thanks must go to @sebcam (who has long been my body health guide) for alerting me to this subject and encouraging me to get stuck in.

Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.
He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over a year.
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All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

All non original photo sources can be found by clicking on the image