Urine therapy briefing for scientists

Urine therapy briefing for scientists

Kook-Hee Kang Senior Research Fellow, ReSEAT Program, Korea Institute of Science and Technology information, 66, Hoegi-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 130-741, Republic of Korea
CELLMED (셀메드) Volume 2 Issue 4 /Pages.32.1-32.3/2012/2233-8985(eISSN)

ABSTRACT Urine is a gift of God for the health of human being in proverbs of the Old Testament in Hindu. Urine therapy (UT) is not a mysterious folk remedy, it is doctor's examined prescription based on modern science and UT is recommended strongly with absolute confidence. It is effective and amazing to a number of incurables such as chronic fatigue, lingering, a cold, nose allergy, diabetes, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, and gout. Also, UT is applied not only for human beings but also for animals, the latter including amazing effects for pigs and cows. The purpose of this manuscript is to help change the misunderstandings of urine and UT and to help reader realize it is one of the helpful alternative remedies.

“To survive a poisonous snake bite, drink your own urine,” says Dr. Edward Group

American natural therapist Dr. Edward Group said that in nature, there are snakes, spiders, bees or anything that punctures the skin and injects poison and that this creates a reaction called a cytokine storm. Group said one solution is to let your body produce an anti-venom. "It's been known in India and other parts of the world for thousands of years [that] to survive a poisonous snake bite, you drink your own urine. You put urine under your tongue for 15 seconds and your body produces the anti-venom and it produces the antibodies and you don't die from the poisonous snake bite," Group said. The alternative health advocate cited two men who survived after being bitten by a poisonous snake by treating themselves using urine as an antidote. "So that just shows you the power that is already in you to serve as an antidote to a poison. Urine is an anti-poisonous substance and a good tonic," Group said, adding that snake charmers keep a bowl full of urine while catching and working with snakes so they may be able to drink and apply it in case of a snake bite.   Article link:
“To survive a poisonous snake bite, drink your own urine,” says Dr. Edward Group
Sources: https://www.brighteon.com/38b458b7-1017-4f2f-9993-ca7ba805930d   https://citizens.news/610142.html

三果實+自家尿=神采飛揚  曾焯文譯介

根據古印度梵文經典《達瑪譚崔》(Damar Tantra)中《濕婆天水經》(Shivambu-Kalpa-Vidhi ),混合三果實(Triphala,又名三聖果,包括:毗黎勒 [欖仁;Bibhitaki]、訶梨勒 [訶子;Haritaki]、餘甘子[Amalaki] 三種果實磨粉混合)、胡椒粉與濕婆天水(自體尿),經常服用,即獲神明般光彩。   三果實(Triphala)在台灣及香港iherb 及英國Amazon均有售(此非廣告)。 以上三種草藥結合,成為強勁藥物。根據醫學研究,部份益處包括:
  • 幫助消化:
  • 增強免疫力:
  • 抗氧化特性:
  • 牙齒保健:
  • 減肥:
  • 改善皮膚健康:
  • 改善脫髮:
三果實溝椰子油搽頭,有助減少頭髮掉落,控制頭屑,促進生髮。 Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e4%b8%89%e6%9e%9c%e5%af%a6%e8%87%aa%e5%ae%b6%e5%b0%bf%e7%a5%9e%e9%87%87%e9%a3%9b%e6%8f%9a-%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e8%ad%af%e4%bb%8b/  ! 參考: Anandkunji (2020). What is Damar Tantra? https://news.anandkunj.org/2020/09/what-is-damar-tantra-yoga.html?m=1 Aryan Herbals (n.d.). "Nutritional Benefits of Triphala." https://www.aryanherbals.com/uk/blog/benefits-of-triphala/ Healthline (n.d.). "What are the Benefits of Triphala." https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/triphala


    《濕婆天水經》(Shivambu-Kalpa-Vidhi ),又名飲尿回春大法,收於古印度梵文經典《達瑪譚崔》(Damar Tantra),屬於古印度醫學傳統阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)。在濕婆天水經中,濕婆(Shiva)告訴其妻巴嬅迪(Parvati)常飲天水(自體尿)的好處:返老還童,長生不老,消除百病,與日月同光。不過飲時最好混合三果實、雄黃粉、心葉青牛膽、黃荊葉、雲母粉等印度山草。   濕婆教落:排尿、飲尿、接尿時,有些咒語要念。   排尿時念: 唵  薩嚒 濕唎㕧啲  叭哈哇   聿喇吔   喃嘛哈 Aum Sarvashristiprabhava  Rudraaya   Namaha 飲尿時念: 唵      嗛      黚    嗚咑嘛嘞濕喇吔     喃嘛哈 Aum Hrim Klim Uddamareshwaraaya Namaha 接尿時念: 唵     嗛      黚    啤喇哇吔     喃嘛嗄 Aum Hrim Klim Bhairavaaya Namasha   Original Article Link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e6%bf%95%e5%a9%86%e6%95%99%e4%bd%a0%e5%a4%a9%e6%b0%b4%e5%92%92%ef%bc%81%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab%e8%ad%af%e4%bb%8b/ 來源:https://news.anandkunj.org/2020/09/what-is-damar-tantra-yoga.html?m=1  Namaste!


根據尼日利亞草藥靈修指引(註一),尿溝非洲山草可改善人緣 ,方法是將尿放入沐浴水中,加七粒鱷魚胡椒子(alligator pepper seed),加海鹽,然後祈願。同人交談前,用來沖涼,必然歡喜和諧。此法亦可用來追債,媾返舊愛,清洗衰運,促進生意興隆等等。   現代科學證明鱷魚胡椒子有藥用療效。二零二一年,一群尼日利亞Adekunle Ajasin大學的研究人員與國家生物技術發展局(NABDA)及Abuja and Afe Babalola大學合作,研發出一種草藥配方,配方以鱷魚胡椒子為本,可以預防醫治「新官病」(註二)。另一鱷魚胡椒子製的壯陽劑亦已獲得美國專利(US Patent 5879682),有效解決勃起功能障礙,延遲射精。 (註三) Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%b0%bf%e6%ba%9d%e9%9d%9e%e6%b4%b2%e8%83%a1%e6%a4%92%e5%8f%af%e6%94%b9%e9%81%8b%ef%bc%9f%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab%e8%ad%af/      + 註: 一. https://www.facebook.com/Emmyherbal/posts/pfbid09gM5R5cRwqydiQE2Kz5QrVXj896TA5YhFjBdH1kayTeyxgFmTkp6S2rpAx9vpFdMl 二. https://guardian.ng/features/health/alligator-pepper-based-cure-for-covid-19/ 三. https://guardian.ng/sunday-magazine/living-wellbeing/herbal-cures-for-inflammation-sexual-dysfunction/

Buddha Prescribes Fermented Urine Medicine (Urine Therapy). By Dr. Chapman Chen

In various Buddhist sutras, Buddha upholds fermented urine medicine (Pali: pūti-mutta-bhesajja) or urine therapy as one of the four major supports/resources of a bhikkhu's life. For example, Buddha would prescribe fermented urine to bhikkhus bitten by a poisonous snake or suffering from jaundice. Buddha even suggested that aged urine be drunk with yellow myrobalan or Terminalia Chebula.  
  1. What does pūti-mutta-bhesajja Mean?
According to The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary, pūti means "putrid, stinking, rotten, fetid". (Note 1) According to the same dictionary as above, mutta means urine and bhesajia means "a remedy, medicament, medicine". (Note 2) However, modern scholars in Buddhism, e.g., Khematto Bhikkhu, Bhikkhu Sujato, Buddha-Vacana Org., interpret pūti-mutta-bhesajja as fermented urine medicine, and Robert Thurman interprets it as aged urine medicine.  
  1. Fermented Urine Medicine as Support
Buddha often stated that fermented urine medicine is a major requisite of a Bhikkhu's life: "Going-Forth has fermented urine medicine as its support. For the rest of your life you are to endeavor at that. The extra allowances are: ghee, fresh butter, oil, honey, sugar."   (Cattāro Nissayā [The Four Supports],  mahākhandhako,  The Mahāvagga, the fourth book of the Vinaya Piṭaka [The Basket of Discipline], trans. Khematto Bhikkhu) (Note 3) " Fermented urine, bhikkhus, is a very little thing among medicines, easy to get and blameless" (AN 4.27,The Book of Fours, trans. Buddha-Vacana) (Note 4) "He is told about his four resources, alms, rag- robes, dwelling at the foot of a tree (i.e., homelessness), and aged urine for medicine." (Robert Thurman, “The Vinaya Discipline of Buddhist Monasticism”, a talk given at Amherst College, 1982) (Note 5)  
  1. Fermented Urine for Treating Jaundice and Snake Bite
"Now on that occasion a certain monk had jaundice. They reported the matter to the Blessed One. 'I allow that urine and yellow myrobalan be drunk.'” (160. pañcabhesajjakathā [Mv.VI.1.1], VI bhesajjakkhandhako, Mahāvagga, trans. Khematto Bhikkhu ) (Note 6)   Buddha: "Suppose there was some fermented urine mixed with different medicines. Then a man with jaundice would come along. They’d say to him: ‘Here, mister, this is fermented urine mixed with different medicines. Drink it if you like. If you drink it, the color, aroma, and flavor will be unappetizing, but after drinking it you will be happy.’ He wouldn’t reject it. After appraisal, he’d drink it. The color, aroma, and flavor would be unappetizing, but after drinking it he would be happy. This is comparable to the way of taking up practices that is painful now and results in future pleasure, I say." (The Great Discourse on Taking Up Practices, Middle Discourses 46, Mahādhammasamādānasutta, trans. Bhikkhu Sujato) (Note 7) "On one occasion a certain monk was bitten by a snake. 'I allow you to give him the four filthy edibles: feces, urine, ash, and clay.' [said Buddha]" (The chapter on medicines, The Long Division, Theravāda Collection on Monastic Law, Bhesajjakkhandhaka, trans. Bhikkhu Brahmali) (Note 8)   Disclaimer: This article provides educational information rather than medical advice. Consult a medical expert if you have health problems. Pic: Himanshu Soni in the role of Buddha Permalink: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/buddha-prescribes-fermented-urine-medicine-urine-therapy-by-dr-chapman-chen/   Namaste! Notes:  
  1. https://dsal.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/app/pali_query.py?qs=p%C5%ABti&searchhws=yes&matchtype=exact)
  2. https://dsal.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/app/pali_query.py?qs=urine&matchtype=default; https://dsal.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/app/pali_query.py?qs=bhesajja&matchtype=default)
  3. https://www.dhammatalks.org/vinaya/Mv/MvI.html#burmese64)
4: http://www.buddha-vacana.org/gloss.html)
  1. https://terebess.hu/zen/szoto/Precepts_Study.pdf)
  2. https://www.dhammatalks.org/vinaya/Mv/MvVI.html
  3. https://suttacentral.net/mn46/en/sujato
  4. https://suttacentral.net/pli-tv-kd6/en/brahmali?layout=plain&reference=none&notes=asterisk&highlight=false&script=latinO

斷食尿療  By “We See the Ligh [sic]”  曾焯文博士譯

飲食最重要,我基本純素,多食生果,當我凈係食生果,我啲尿尚好味過樽裝水。 如果想飲舊尿,請溝埋鮮尿,我就九成半新鮮尿溝半成舊尿。 舊尿非常適合蠹寄生蟲,但是如果太杰,我的身體會頂不順,這就是為何我要用鮮尿來溝淡舊尿。 如果真的想自己的健康起飛,請試下斷食,甚麼都不食,只係一味不斷循環飲返自己的鮮尿,啲尿會變得越來越清,一段時間之後,啲尿會好味道到你欲罷不能! 十二個鐘、廿四個鐘、四十八個鐘、七十二個鐘,你頂得幾耐就幾耐。我從十二個鐘開始,年來升到七十二個鐘。 尿係世上最好的排毒劑。

佛祖教人飲陳尿藥  曾焯文博士著

根據十誦律、四分律、得法大經、摩訶僧祇律等佛經的各種漢譯本,佛祖教比丘病時服陳棄藥/腐爛藥/腐尿水,名稱頗為恐怖,險些令人思疑佛祖有心靠害弟子。查實陳棄藥/腐爛藥/腐尿水巴利文原作pūti-mutta-bhesajja,直譯臭尿藥,現代佛學家Khematto Bhikkhu、阿姜蘇嘉多禪師、Buddha-Vacana Org. 均詮釋為fermented urine medicine(醱酵尿藥),Robert Thurman則詮釋為陳舊尿藥。新舊譯共通之處在於陳舊的尿會發酵,產生餲(aat3)味,相當攻鼻,但可當藥用。換言之,二千五百年前,佛祖經已教授尿療法。(未完待續)   LINK: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e4%bd%9b%e7%a5%96%e6%95%99%e4%ba%ba%e9%a3%b2%e9%99%b3%e5%b0%bf%e8%97%a5-%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab%e8%91%97/ ! Pic: Himanshu Soni as Buddha

如何用尿療法改善睡眠質素? Andrew Marsh原著. 曾焯文博士譯介

  美國健康資訊頻道創辦人Andrew Marsh(二零一八)話尿療法有助解決失眠問題。   首先,要多曬太陽,早睡早起,曬太陽最好時間係日出到朝頭早十點。陽光裏頭的紫外光同紅內線可以促進人體生產褪黑激素(Melatonin)。曬太陽時勿帶任何眼鏡,包括近視老花鏡、黑超同隱形眼鏡;亦都唔好搽太陽油防曬膏,否則會擋住紫外光;此外,千祈勿直接望太陽,否則可能盲眼。   第二,褪黑激素乃係睡眠荷爾蒙,經尿排出。飲尿就可以回收褪黑激素入血。朝頭早曬了太陽,經過一日時間,身體生產不少退黑激素,晚黑睡前飲二到六安士新鮮尿,就可以迅速入睡,一覺瞓到大天光!   Picture1 credit: Stefania Ferrario Facebook Picture2 credit: Andrew Marsh, Drue Fit. Article Link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%a6%82%e4%bd%95%e7%94%a8%e5%b0%bf%e7%99%82%e6%b3%95%e6%94%b9%e5%96%84%e7%9d%a1%e7%9c%a0%e8%b3%aa%e7%b4%a0%ef%bc%9f-andrew-marsh%e5%8e%9f%e8%91%97-%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab/ 。 來源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqZY9bkSIHk  。

Jesus Recommends Urine Therapy! Go Vegan! By Dr. Chapman Chen

  1. Introduction: In John 7:38 (KJV), Jesus said, "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." Here, Jesus was echoing his ancestor King Solomon's advice, "Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well" (Proverb 5:15 NIV) (Note 1). Now, what else but urine would flow out of your belly as a kind of living liquid? [As advised by Australian nutrition consultant Martha Christ (1996), to achieve the best result, urine therapy had better be combined with veganism (Note 2).]
  1. Urine Contains Life
  According to researches done by world renowned scientists, urine is a blood byproduct:- "Urine...one of the most complex of all body fluids... contains practically all of the constituents found in the blood." (Free and Free 1975) (Note 3). "Urine is considered to be produced predominantly as a result of plasma filtration in the kidney" (Magalhães et. al. 2018),  (Note 4). As urine is a spin-off of the blood, it contains life. "the life of the flesh is in the blood" (Leviticus 17:11 ESV). "for the blood is the life, and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh" (Deuteronomy 12: 23 KJV). Urine as a collateral product of the blood is living water as Jesus Himself emphasized.    
  1. Spiritual vs Physical
  The author of John went on to remark that by "living water" Jesus "meant the Spirit" (John 7:39 NIV).   Note that whenever Jesus discussed something spiritual, He invariably illustrated it with something material or actual (cf. Eden Natural Juice 2015) (Note 5). For example, in Matthew 7: 24-25, Jesus compared spiritual rock (His teachings) to real rock; in John 6:48-51, spiritual bread (His Christhood) to genuine bread; in Matthew 13:31-32, the divine Kingdom of Heaven to an earthly mustard seed. And now, in John 7:37-39, Jesus compared the Holy Spirit to physical urine flowing out of the belly. Just as the "living [urine] from the belly gives life and healing to the body, the Holy Spirit gives life and healing to the soul," to quote Eden Natural Juice (2015).    
  1. Urine is indeed our bodily living water
  According to American natural therapist cum chiropractic Dr. Edward Group (2021) (Note 6), doctors and researchers have proven that human urine is an enormous source of over 2,500 vital nutrients, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and critical antibodies that cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source as well as up to six unidentified compounds not yet known to man. These vital substances include, e.g., Adrenaline, antibodies, Biotin, Copper, Dopamine, Estrogen, hormones, Insulin, Iodine, Calcium, Magnesium, Stem Cells, proteins, Potassium, Melatonin, Nitrogen, Serotonin, Selenium, Testosterone, Urea, Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, Zinc, Riboflavin....    
  1. Urine Therapy has a History of 5000 Years!
  Urine therapy has a history of five thousand years since ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, India, China and more. According to Dr. Edward Group (2021), it has been used to successfully treat cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, skin ailments, indigestion, constipation, kidney failure, insomnia, toothache, psoriasis, hair loss, chronic fatigue, cataracts, AIDS, arthritis, allergies, autoimmune diseases, asthma, infertility, menopause, infections, poisoning and wounds, osteoporosis, respiratory issues, cramps, you name it! Hongkongurinetherapy Article Link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/jesus-recommends-urine-therapy-go-vegan-by-dr-chapman-chen/    Amen! HKBNews Article Link: https://www.hkbnews.net/post/jesus-recommends-urine-therapy-by-chapman-chen-hkbnews      Amen!   Notes
  1. Admittedly, in view of its context, some commentators opine that "Drink water from your own cistern" means that one should make love to one's wife only. Nonetheless, in the Bible, one signifier could stand for more than one signified, so that "drink water from your own cistern" can refer to "have sex with your own wife only" as well as "drink your own organic urine".
  2. https://www.allegedlydave.com/download.php?filename=Your-Own-Perfect-Medicine-by-Martha-Christy.pdf
  3. Free, Alfred H. and Free, Helen M. (1975). Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
4.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29611317/#:~:text=Purpose%3A%20Urine%20is%20considered%20to,plasma%20filtration%20in%20the%20kidney 5.https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0YutBSoQqpqw1nHWSYjcvA6DGLC7KeC446t9m8zmB1pnpsTfxRL3FRsueaVs8mLkel&id=263944253799850 6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud5ajT0yns4