Urine Upcycling Echoes Water and Compost Cycles. By Cate Stillman. Adapted by Dr. Chapman Chen

In the 5000-year-old Damar Tantra, Parvati asks her husband Shiva what his secret to youth and energy is, and Shiva replies that he drinks his morning urine. But isn’t urine waste? Well, according to Esmail Koushanpour’s (1986) Renal Physiology, urine is plasma ultrafiltrate. But why would I drink my own urine if my kidneys don’t want it? Well, you can create a feedback loop from your body to know what’s going on and to upcycle it so that you can reuse some of what is in it.


The Water Cycle

Urine upcycling actually reflects cycles in nature like the water cycle and the compost cycle. The natural process of water is in cyclical, from evaporating from the ocean to condensing, to precipitating and raining down, to having runoff, to infiltration and percolation, and then back into bodies of water for evaporation. Infiltration (the flow of water from the ground surface into the ground to form ground water) and percolation (the vertical flow of water through the soil and rocks) mirrors the kidney’s filtration of blood to form urine.


The Compost Cycle

Urine upcycling also corresponds to the compost cycle. Compost seems like waste but it is really a fertilizer that comes from food scraps. Through the activity of the microbes it contains, compost is converted into nutrients for a living soil that nourishes crops and plants, which in turn become our food. Urine is like the compost and your cells are like the soil. The microbes contained in urine will ferment it into health-promoting substances for the human cells if it is reintroduced. Retaken urine will, of course, be further processed for the good of the cells through the activity of the microbiomes inside the body, which can be categorized into gut microbiome, breathing microbiome and skin microbiome.


Buddha Prescribes Urine Therapy (Note 1)

In fact, fermented urine upcycling is prescribed by Buddha as support (Mv. 1.77 IT) and as medicine (Anguttara Nikaya 4.27). The word for “fermented urine” in the Pali canon is puti-mutta-bhesajja, puti meaning decomposing/composting/fermented, mutta meaning urine, and bhesajja meaning medicine.


Jesus Recommends Urine Therapy (Note 2)

In John 7:38 (KJV), Jesus said, “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” Here, Jesus was echoing his ancestor King Solomon’s advice, “Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well” (Proverb 5:15 NIV). Now, what else but urine would flow out of your belly as a kind of living liquid?

Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/urine-upcycling-echoes-water-and-compost-cycles-by-cate-stillman-adapted-by-dr-chapman-chen/ !

Adapted from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhbF2lwli48&t=819s



  1. https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/buddha-prescribes-fermented-urine-medicine-urine-therapy-by-dr-chapman-chen/
  2. https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/jesus-recommends-urine-therapy-go-vegan-by-dr-chapman-chen/ ; https://www.hkbnews.net/post/jesus-recommends-urine-therapy-by-chapman-chen-hkbnews !

天水靈藥,防病回春!น้ำปัสสาวะ” ยาอายุวัฒนะต้านโรคร้าย!Trans. Dr. Chapman Chen






Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%a4%a9%e6%b0%b4%e9%9d%88%e8%97%a5%ef%bc%8c%e9%98%b2%e7%97%85%e5%9b%9e%e6%98%a5%ef%bc%81%e0%b8%99%e0%b9%89%e0%b8%b3%e0%b8%9b%e0%b8%b1%e0%b8%aa%e0%b8%aa%e0%b8%b2%e0%b8%a7%e0%b8%b0-%e0%b8%a2/  !

น้ำปัสสาวะ” ยาอายุวัฒนะต้านโรคร้าย”

พูดถึงน้ำปัสสาวะ หลายคนคงมองว่าเป็นของสกปรก แต่เชื่อหรือไม่คะว่า การดื่มน้ำปัสสาวะจะทำให้อายุยืนยาวขึ้น และปลอดจากโรคภัยทั้งหลาย โดยวงการแพทย์ในหลายๆประเทศ เช่น เยอรมนี, บราซิล, ญี่ปุ่น และอินเดีย ก็ทุ่มเทวิจัยเรื่องคุณค่าของน้ำปัสสาวะในการรักษาโรค

เห็นสีเหลืองๆแบบนี้ อันที่จริงแล้ว “น้ำปัสสาวะ” มีคุณประโยชน์อเนกอนันต์ เพราะอุดมไปด้วยแร่ธาตุ วิตามิน ฮอร์โมน เอนไซม์ ภูมิคุ้มกัน โปรตีน และสารที่มีประโยชน์อีกมาก เช่น ยูโรไคเนส เป็นเอนไซม์ช่วยละลายลิ่มเลือด รักษาภาวะเส้นเลือดอุดตัน, โพราทาแกลนดิน ช่วยควบคุมการอักเสบ และต้านการจับตัวของลิ่มเลือด, อีริโทรพอยติน กระตุ้นการสร้างเม็ดเลือดแดง, อินเตอร์เฟอรอน สารต้านทานโรคและมะเร็งร้าย, ฮอร์โมนเมลาโทนิน พบในน้ำปัสสาวะตอนเช้าหลังตื่นนอน ช่วยให้นอนหลับสนิท, โกรทฮอร์โมน ทำหน้าที่ซ่อมแซมส่วนสึกหรอ

และยิ่งถ้าเป็นน้ำปัสสาวะของเด็ก จะยิ่งมีแร่ธาตุมาก ครบครันทั้งแคลเซียม, แมกนีเซียม, ฟอสฟอรัส, ทองแดง, สังกะสี, ไอโอดีน, เหล็ก และยูเรีย ซึ่งเป็นสารขับปัสสาวะต้านการอักเสบ และบำรุงผิวพรรณ

สำหรับมือใหม่หัดดื่มน้ำปัสสาวะ ในหนังสือ “ยาพระพุทธเจ้า น้ำปัสสาวะเป็นยารักษาโรค” แนะนำว่า ควรเริ่มดื่มทีละน้อย โดยใช้น้ำปัสสาวะช่วงกลางผสมน้ำให้เจือจาง เพื่อให้ร่างกายค่อยๆปรับตัว เริ่มจากหนึ่งในสี่ของแก้ว แล้วค่อยเพิ่มเป็นครึ่งแก้ว หากดื่มวันละ 1 ครั้งตอนเช้า จะเป็นการช่วยร่างกายปรับสมดุล ดื่มวันละ 2 ครั้ง ตอนเช้าและก่อนนอน เป็นยาบำรุงรักษาอวัยวะ

และหากดื่มวันละ 3 ครั้ง ทั้งเช้า กลางวัน เย็น จะเป็นยารักษาโรคและอาการเจ็บป่วยสารพัด นอกจากการดื่มแล้ว ยังนำน้ำปัสสาวะมาทาแผลสดเพื่อฆ่าเชื้อ หรือใช้หยอดหูแก้อาการหูน้ำหนวก และอมในปาก เพื่อรักษาอาการปวดฟันและเจ็บคอ คนเป็นไซนัส หรือหวัดรุนแรง ก็ใช้น้ำปัสสาวะล้างโพรงจมูกได้.

ที่มา : ไทยรัฐออนไลน์




英國猛男飲尿回春,醫好抑鬱病!Trans. Dr. Chapman Chen

英國猛男哈利·馬達巔(Harry Matadeen),今年三十四歲,任職健康教練,日日飲自家舊尿二百毫升,啲尿起碼擺咗兩周,甚至成個月,另加新鮮尿。馬達巔堅稱二零一六年開始飲尿,因此醫好咗抑鬱病,感覺健康快樂,醒目聰明;又話用尿搽面,保濕護膚,天水回春,係最好的抗衰老靈藥,好多人都以為其只得二十歲。馬達巔寫了兩本關於陳尿療法的書,利益眾生。其中一本係:Aged Urine – Discovery Of The Century(陳年天水:世紀大發現)。


Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e8%8b%b1%e5%9c%8b%e7%8c%9b%e7%94%b7%e9%a3%b2%e5%b0%bf%e5%9b%9e%e6%98%a5%ef%bc%8c%e9%86%ab%e5%a5%bd%e6%8a%91%e9%ac%b1%e7%97%85%ef%bc%81trans-dr-chapman-chen/



https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpTdGMG1Yq1Lv94CZc7TL_g    !

Pic credit: Mathew Growcoot/News Dog Media

A Urine Therapy Testimony: Liver Cancer and Piles Gone! Trans. Dr. Chapman Chen

As recorded in An Experienced Physician’s (2010) book Auto-Urine Therapy, an Indian man named Chitalia suffered from liver cancer, piles and continuous fever in the 1970s. Western-style doctors confirmed that he had at the most half a month to live. Thank God, a neighbor handed him a book on urine therapy. Following the instructions in the book, he drank his own urine in large quantities and washed his piles with urine lavishly. Within months, he completely recovered, much to the astonishment of his doctors. Below please find this gentleman’s testimony:



My name is Nanubhai Kalidas Chitalia. I am 53 years old. I live at present on the fourth floor of Kapadia Building No. 2, Near G. T. School, Malharrao Wadi, Kalbadevi, Mumbai. I believe that the story of my illness and my recovery to the extent of being able to lead a completely normal life, is of considerable interest, and may prove a source of inspiration to many who have lost all hope. It may rekindle the vital spark in the hearts of those who have lost the will to live.


The First Omen

One unlucky day in February 1976, while I was shaving myself, I discovered a small lump under the lobe of my right ear-a hard movable lump that shifted up or down under pressure. No similar lump was found on the left side. I showed it to my family doctor, who did not attach much importance to my complaint. He commenced treatment, attributing the lump to ‘weakness’. As there was no improvement, I approached a consultant Physician. ‘Deficiency of vitamins/ he diagnosed, and prescribed injections and medicines. A month passed without any improvement.


Diagnosed with Cancer

Another doctor was consulted. He listened patiently and attentively, and went through the details of the injections and medicines. He suspected cancer and advised me to go to the Tata Hospital* I saw Dr J. J. Vyas of the Tata Hospital on 19 March 1976. He works in association with Dr Paymaster. He examined me thoroughly, and administered certain tests. There was no pain when the lump was pressed. The test reports came in : I had cancer. The hospital card was issued to me on 19 March 1976, and bore the number AH-3603.



Treatment for cancer was commenced. 200-watt irradiations were given on alternate days, 20 in all, over a period of about a month and a half. A check showed no appreciable improvement. Another course of ten 200-watt exposures was commenced. This time there were indications of irritation on my neck. My throat began to feel parched. The sense of taste was lost. The irradiated area was scorched.


Some skin was excised. There was some relief, though it proved to be temporary.


Bad Habits

I had contracted some bad habits in my childhood. Including smoking 20-25 biris or cigarettes, chewing 4 to 5 betel leaves with tobacco and drinking 5 to 6 cups of strong tea every day, I weighed 62 kilograms. But after contracting cancer, I began to lose weight. There was no discomfort after the treatment at the Tata Hospital. Things were all right till near the end of the year 1977.


Liver Cancer Discovered

In December 1977, a lump was noticed on my abdomen. I began to have fever, the temperature ranging from 101° F to 103*F. I lost appetite completely. Lassitude invaded my body. I went to the Tata Hospital again in February 1978, and saw Dr Vyas. The family doctor had been treating me during this period, but the fever did not respond to the treatment. There was another round of tests and investigations. I was told that I had cancer of the liver. There were growths on three sides of the liver. No operation or radiation therapy was possible.


Futile Western Medicines

A course of medicines was initiated. Ten injections costing Rs 50 each were given, on alternate days. As there was no improvement, ten more injections, costing Rs 140 each this time, were given. Despite all this, there was no improvement! I got weaker and weaker. My weight dropped to 30-32 kg. I had no appetite. There was a nauseating bad taste in my mouth. On the top of all this, I developed piles. Lumps, fever and piles! I was getting desperate. There was persistent, nagging pain. Dr Vyas gave his final opinion, ‘Take rest now. There is nothing more we can do for you/ Treatment was discontinued.


Our family doctor suggested removal of the piles by an operation. But I was in extreme distress because of the pains inflicted by a triplet of diseases. Dr Vyas called for another consultation at my home. After a detailed examination, he asked the members of my family to ‘finish all important tasks expeditiously’. As we belong to the Vaishnav sect, the donation of a cow in alms was attended to immediately. Preparations for the ultimate journey were diligently taken on hand. These included pooja worship in the Haveli temple and other religious ceremonies. The proposal of operating for piles was rejected summarily. When death was imminent, what was the sense in having the operation?


Light at the End of the Tunnel

These events took place in April 1978.


The spirit was impatient to escape from the body. But my will to live was not yet prepared to submit so easily. My will power was continually inducing me to entertain no other thoughts except those of survival. And one day it was as if the Messiah Himself came to our door. Our next-door neighbour Ramdasbhai stepped into my house, and very gently placed a book in my hands. It was ‘Manav Mootra’ (Human Urine) by Ravjibhai Patel. Like a drowning man clutching at a straw, I began to read it avidly and with rekindled hope. I went straight to the chapter on piles. I saw light at the end of the tunnel. As death was staring me in the face why shouldn’t this free treatment be tried? Accordingly, I commenced auto-urine therapy for the treatment of piles.


Piles Gone!

I began to wash the piles 8 to 10 times a day with fresh urine. There was some improvement in about 15 days.


One day two of the excrescences dropped away while cleaning! My surprise and joy knew no bounds! The third one also fell out after four days. The bleeding stopped, the pain simply disappeared. As I had succeeded in freeing myself from one of the three disorders, my confidence grew, and my faith in this therapy deepened. I reported this development to the doctor who had recommended an operation. He could not give credence to such an unconventional cure, so he came and examined me. He was astonished when he saw the results.


Urine-drinking Started

Now I decided to commence treatment of the other two complaints, fever and the tumours of the liver, and began drinking my urine on the auspicious day of Dasserah, 1978. I began with half a glass, that is about 4 ounces, of fresh urine in the morning. Meanwhile I continued to take the medicines prescribed by the TataHospital authorities. I had been suffering from asthma, which was inherited from my parents. After eight to ten days of auto-urine therapy, I noted assuagement of the symptoms of asthma. So I increased the frequency of my intake of urine to twice a day. Again in a period of 8 to 10 days, I began to recover my appetite.


The sense of taste which had been lost completely was regained to some extent. I began to feel a little stronger and more active. I became more enthusiastic, and increased the frequency of the intake of urine from twice a day to three, four and more times a day. About 24 ounces of urine were now to be taken everyday. The fever now freed me from its clutches, thus greatly augmenting both my joy and my enthusiasm. I began to drink plenty of water. I began to pass 7 or 8 glassfuls of water in a day, and my total intake reached 48 ounces a day.


A Sudden Attack of Colic

About one and a half months from the commencement of this therapy, I had a sudden severe attack of colic at night. I ran to the lavatory. I was feeling so sick that I decided not to lock the lavatory from inside, and asked my wife to stand near the door. I passed very foul smelling stool in a few moments. A highly malodorous liquid containing fibrous materials, red in colour resembling that of flesh, was forcibly expelled in great quantity, followed by black lumpy matter. The smell was so intolerable that it was not possible to continue to sit or even stand Ihere. All at once I felt extremely weak. My wife cleaned me up, and led me to my bed. I was fast asleep in five minutes. Because of my various diseases, I had never before slept so soundly. I began to feel better from the next day.


Cancerous Tumors Gone!

After another 15 days, I had the severe abdominal pains once again, and foul

smelling lumps were passed in the stool as before. Such lumps continued to be excreted for the following ten days or so, in smaller amounts. After that I began to feel much better. The cancerous tumours could not be detected on examination of the abdomen. My intake of food increased, and so did my weight. I had stopped taking the medicines prescribed by the doctors at the Tata Hospital. After about two or two and a half months, I had recovered completely. The doctor who had been treating me was struck with wonder.


“You are still alive?”

After about six months, I went to the Tata Hospital to see Dr Vyas. He was stunned on seeing me. He could not trust his eyes. He had put my file away on the shelf six months ago, when he had found that I had only 10 or 15 days to live. He looked at me incredulously, and asked, ‘You are Chitalia? You yourself! You are still alive? I laughed and said, ‘Yes, sir, I am the very same Nanubhai Chitalia, alive and kicking. I am not a ghost!’ He called for my file immediately, and examined me. He called his assistant too, and recounted to him all that had happened. He also apprised Dr Prafulla Desai, the Head of the Institution, of all the details. Dr Ashok Mehta, Dr S. R. Rao, all gathered there. They went through my records. They simply could not understand how those tumours had disappeared.


How about the Proof?

I told them about the auto-urine therapy, with all the details. But the doctors asked, ‘What is the proof that it was auto-urine therapy that has effected the cure?’ Their medical science had reservations about the efficacy of this therapy. I challenged them to place four of their patients in my charge, assuring them that I would cure them while they stayed in that very hospital. They were not legally in a position to permit me to undertake such an experiment.


Thinking of the great responsibility which would rest on their heads in case anything should happen to any of the patients, they expressed their inability to take up the challenge.


Perfect Health with Urine Therapy

Today at the age of 53 years, I am perfectly healthy, take normal food, and am holding a job. There is no trace of disease in my body. I do not take any medicines whatsoever now.


True, drinking of urine continues. I drink my own urine seven or eight times a day. I am greatly indebted to the gentleman who lent me the book ‘Manav Mootra’. (Bhoomiputra, 1 – 2 – ’84) — Nanubhai Kalidas Chitalia


Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/a-urine-therapy-testimony-liver-cancer-and-piles-gone-trans-dr-chapman-chen/           !


Source:An Experienced Physician (2010). Auto-Urine Therapy. Ahmedabad: Navneet Publications (India) Ltd.


根據An Experienced Physician (一位資深醫生)(2010) 所著 Auto-Urine Therapy(自尿療法)一書,上世紀七十年代,印度孟買有男子戚他利身患嚴重痔瘡及末期肝癌,西醫斷定其最多只有半個月命,好在有人送其自尿療法奇書,伊如法去做,數月後經西醫診斷,完全康復!以下為其證言:



我叫戚他利(Nanubhai Kalidas Chitalia),今年五十三歲, 現居孟買 (4th Floor, Kapadia Building No. 2, Near G. T. School, Malharrao Wadi, Kalbadevi, Mumbai)。我自己如何患病,以至於完全康復的故事,相信能啓發很多絕望的人,重燃他們的生命火花。




又諮詢另一位醫生。他耐心聆聽,並詳細檢視過往的注射和藥物。他懷疑是癌病,建議我去塔塔醫院求醫。一九七六年三月十九日見塔塔醫院的韋雅斯醫生(Dr. J. J. Vyas)。他與裴斯德(Dr. Paymaster)醫生合作。他徹底檢查我,做了某些測試。腫塊撳時不痛。測試報告出來:我生癌。 一九七六年三月十九日,醫院發卡給我,編號AH-3603。



癌症治療開始。 在大約一個半月的時間內,隔日(共二十次)照輻射二百瓦。 檢查顯示並無明顯改善。 再來十次二百瓦放射治療。條頸有發炎跡象;喉嚨開始感到烤乾。味覺失去,放射部位灼傷。


切了些皮膚。 好了一點,但原來只是暫時的。



我少年時養成了一些不良習慣,包括日日食二十到廿五支煙,噍四五塊檳榔葉溝煙草,飲五六杯濃茶。原本六十二公斤重,生癌後開始減肥。 在塔塔醫院接受治療後再無不適。 直到一九七七年底前,一切似乎無礙。


發現肝癌一九七七年十二月,發覺個肚有腫塊。 開始發燒,體溫從華氏一零一度到一零三度。 完全失去食慾; 全身疲倦無力。一九七八年二月,我再去塔塔醫院見韋雅斯醫生。 期間,家庭醫生一直醫著我,但治療對發燒無效。 再來一輪測試檢查。 醫生同我講:我有肝癌;肝三邊生瘤;不可能做任何手術或放射治療。



開始化療。隔日打針,共十針,每針承惠五十盧比。 由於無改善,再打十針,每針一百四十盧比。 儘管如此,仍無改善! 我越來越虛弱,體重下降到三十至三十二公斤。 毫無食慾,口中有陣臭味,令人噁心。 另加痔瘡。 團塊、發燒、痔瘡! 我越來越絕望,痛不欲生。 韋雅斯醫生下終極定論:「好好休息,我們無能為力了。」治療停止。


家庭醫生建議開刀移除痔瘡。但三重病苦,我極端困擾。 韋雅斯醫生親自出診。 經過詳細檢查,他要我的家人「還有何要事,儘快辦辦吧。」由於我們屬印度教毗濕奴派,即刻佈施了牛乸一隻。 大家積極為我準備人生最終一程。 其中包括參拜哈維利神廟以及其他宗教儀式。開刀割痔瘡的提議我們二話不説就拒絕。死到臨頭,開刀還有何意思?





三魂欲離體, 但我的生存意志仍然頑強,除了求生別無他念。 有日彷彿救世主駕臨。鄰居藍達斯巴到訪,輕輕將本書放在我手中。 那是拉維吉·彭岱(Ravjibhai Patel)的著作Manav Mootra(人尿)。 就像溺水的人緊緊抓住稻草一樣,我開始狂讀此書,充滿希望。 我直接揭到講痔瘡的那章。 我在黑暗中看到曙光。橫死直死,為何不試下這免費療法?我於是開始以自尿療法醫痔瘡。



我開始每日用自己的新鮮尿洗痔瘡八至十次。 約十五日後已有改善。


有日清洗時,肛門有兩具贅生物跌落來! 我驚喜不已! 四日後,第三塊都脱落。 出血停止,疼痛直頭消失。 由於三疾好了一疾,我對這種療法的信心大增。 我向建議手術的醫生報告這一發展。 他無法信這種非常規療法,所以他來檢查我。 看到結果,他非常驚訝。







開始尿療法約個半月後,有晚突然嚴重腹絞痛。 連忙跑去廁所。感覺好病,於是決定不鎖廁所門,叫老婆企向門口。 不一會,我屙出勁臭的屎,異常惡臭的汁液,含纖維料,鮮紅如肉,大量飆出,跟住係黑色塊狀物。陣味臭不可當,根本無法繼續在那裡坐著甚至站著。 頓時成身軟煞。老婆幫我清洗後,扶我上床,不到五分鐘後就呼呼入睡。多年來久病纏身,好耐無這般好睡過。第朝,開始覺得好轉。



又過了十五日,我又勁肚痛,好似之前般屙出惡臭屎塊。 接下來的十日左右,這種屎塊繼續排出,不過份量減少。 其後,感覺開始好好多。 檢查腹部無法發現癌性腫瘤。胃口增加,體重亦增加。經已停止食塔塔醫院醫生開的藥。 大約兩個或兩個半月後,完全康復。 一直在治療我的醫生目瞪口呆。

大約六個月後,我去塔塔醫院睇韋雅斯醫生。其見到我好驚訝,難以置信。六個月前,他將我的檔案放在架上,斷定我只有十到十五日命。 他望著我,問道:「你真係戚他利? 你還未死? 」我笑道:「係呀,醫生,我係戚他利,如假包換,唔係鬼!」 他即刻取我檔案,同我檢查。 又打電話俾其助手,同其講發生何事。 他又通知醫院負責人德西醫生(Dr. Prafulla Desai)。麥戴醫生 (Dr Ashok Mehta)、羅醫生(Dr S. R. Rao),全部來齊。 他們瀏覽我的病歷,根本無法明白那些腫瘤如何消失。











(Bhoomiputra,1-2- ’84) –  Nanubhai Kalidas Chitalia


Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%b0%bf%e7%99%82%e8%a6%8b%e8%ad%89%ef%bc%9a%e8%82%9d%e7%99%8c%e7%97%94%e7%98%a1%e4%b8%8d%e8%a6%8b%e4%ba%86%ef%bc%81%e5%8d%b0%e5%ba%a6%e5%90%8d%e9%86%ab%e8%91%97%e3%80%82%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87/        !


來源:An Experienced Physician (2010). Auto-Urine Therapy(自尿療法). Ahmedabad: Navneet Publications (India) Ltd.

Combating Radiation Poisoning by way of Urine Therapy. By Dr. Chapman Chen

If you live in Europe, are you worried that Putin may use nuclear weapons in the Ukrainian War and you may be exposed to dangerous radiation? If you live in the Far East, are you concerned that Xi Jinping may fire nuclear missiles at Taiwan and/or Japan and may blow up those nuclear power plants facing Hong Kong? Have you submitted your body to radiation either for medical diagnostic purposes or for radiotherapy? Or are you otherwise concerned by excessive radiation exposure, overload or poisoning (such as living near a nuclear reactor facility)? Have you been exposed to radioactive particles or higher ionizing radiation doses stemming from other sources such as depleted uranium (DU), testing of atomic weapons, frequent flights in higher altitudes etc.?

Now, most governments are storing up iodine pills. But don’t take them unless and until your government tells you to do so for it may disrupt your internal endocrine system and give rise to a goitre. A safe precaution against radiation poisoning is to drink your own urine and/or take spirulina (note 1) .

Dr. G.K. Thakkar (1988) writes in his book Wonders of Uropathy  that a radiologist from Nagpur, India, named Dr Parekh informed him “that via urine therapy he got rid of the x-ray radiation which he had suffered due to constant exposure during his radiological practice”.


Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/combating-radiation-poisoning-by-way-of-urine-therapy-by-dr-chapman-chen/ !


  1. https://www.foodmatters.com/article/therapeutic-uses-of-spirulina-for-treating-radiation-poisoning 。

飲尿解輻射毒  作者:曾焯文博士




Dr. G.K. Thakkar(戴卡)醫生(1988)在Wonders of Uropathy(尿療奇蹟)一書中寫道:印度那格浦爾放射科醫生Dr. Parekh(巴域遐)向他透露:自己因為成日幫人做放射治療,不斷暴露於X光輻射,全靠飲尿才不致生癌。

Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e9%a3%b2%e5%b0%bf%e8%a7%a3%e8%bc%bb%e5%b0%84%e6%af%92-%e4%bd%9c%e8%80%85%ef%bc%9a%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab/  !


一,https://www.foodmatters.com/article/therapeutic-uses-of-spirulina-for-treating-radiation-poisoning  。



根據坎貝爾·戈德(Campbell M. Gold)(2009) 著作Urine Therapy(尿療),被困多日,斷水斷糧的故事很多,飲自己尿者生,不飲者死。死者多誤信謠言,以為尿是身體廢物,未能克服心理障礙,結果夾生渴死。尿並非廢物;尿是人體分泌的物質,所含成分人體當下太多,暫不需要,但並非永遠無用。

根據美國化學家Alfred H. Free和Helen M. Free(1975)名著Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice(臨床實驗的尿液分析),尿包括95%水(可解渴),其餘5%含多種健康營養素,包括尿素(2.5%;可溶解血塊,使皮膚柔滑等等),以及其他有益礦物質、鹽、激素、酵素等(2.5%):例如丙氨酸、精氨酸、抗壞血酸、丙二醇、氨基酸、碳酸氫鹽、生物素、鈣、肌酐、胱氨酸、脱氫表雄酮、多巴胺、腎上腺素、葉酸、葡萄糖、葡萄糖、谷氨酸、甘氨酸、肌醇、碘、鐵、鐵、賴氨酸、鎂、鎂、錳、錳、黑素、黑素、黑素蛋白、甲二氨酸、甲硝基、硝酸、甲酸、苯丙氨酸、苯胺、苯乙酸、苯乙酸、苯丙烷酸、磷、鉀、蛋白質、核黃素、色氨酸、酪氨酸、維生素B6、維生素B12、鋅。




Article Link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e8%a2%ab%e5%9b%b0%e7%82%ba%e4%bd%95%e9%a3%b2%e5%b0%bf%e5%8f%af%e4%bf%9d%e5%91%bd%ef%bc%9f%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab%e8%91%97/    !

How can Drinking your Urine in a Survival Situation Save you if your Body has already Discarded it as Waste?   By Dr. Chapman Chen

According to Alfred H. Free and Helen M. Free’s (1975) Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, urine consists of 95% water, and the remaining 5% is a mixture of numerous healthy and useful nutrients, including urea (2.5%), and other minerals, salts, hormones and enzymes (2.5%), e.g., Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Allantoin, Amino acids, Bicarbonate, Biotin, Calcium, Creatinine, Cystine, DHEA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Folic acid, Glucose, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol, Iodine, Iron, Lysine, Magnesium, Manganese, Melatonin, Methionine, Nitrogen, Ornithane, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Phosphorus, Potassium, Proteins, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Zinc.

Also, based on Li Shizhen’s (1596) Compendium of Materia Medica, the bladder is a reservoir of bodily fluids. All the water one drinks goes into the bladder. When it goes upward through Qi-transformation, it becomes saliva; when it goes downward, it becomes urine.

According to Campbell M. Gold’s (2009) Urine Therapy, “stories have been told of individuals who have both lived and died by being trapped in places without food and water for days. Those that survived did so because they drank their own urine, those that perished did not. The ones that died probably could not overcome the mis-informed thoughts that urine is a waste product of the body. It’s not. It’s just a substance the body secretes that contains elements not needed at the time.”

Thus, urine is no dirty waste but good for health in general and for survival in an emergency.

Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/how-can-drinking-your-urine-in-a-survival-situation-save-you-if-your-body-has-already-discarded-it-as-waste-by-dr-chapman-chen/    !

何解保健或醫病都要飲尿?Balasubramony Gopal著。曾焯文博士譯介



原來野外所有動物都由天然食物和生水獲得消化系統所需的細菌。 我們人類不從井中飲生水,反而飲水務處加了漂白粉同毒氟的自來水、又或樽裝水、滾水熟食,全部欠益菌。


如果想獲益菌,應食野生或有機生果,未經烹飪的蔬菜和油料種子,否則唯有飲返自己的尿,吸收其中有機物,增加消化系統中有機含量。 只有這樣,才能消化良好,大便暢通,獲得健康所需的營養以及快速除病去疾所需。


Article Link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e4%bd%95%e8%a7%a3%e4%bf%9d%e5%81%a5%e6%88%96%e9%86%ab%e7%97%85%e9%83%bd%e8%a6%81%e9%a3%b2%e5%b0%bf%ef%bc%9fbalasubramony-gopal%e8%91%97%e3%80%82%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e5%8d%9a%e5%a3%ab%e8%ad%af/  !