A Woman Diagnosed with Terminal Cancer Cured in 4 Months with Urine Therapy. By Jagdish Bhurani

Breast, Lungs, and Bone Cancer

Smt. Suresh Rani (F) 54 years staying in Delhi was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Carcinoma, Metabolically active, Lymph nodal, Bony, and Left Adrenal involvement with Pleural effusion (Breast, Lungs, and Bone Cancer) in July 2012. She underwent the necessary Medical investigation & Biopsy tests. PET-CT Report revealed extensive disease and Cancer had spread over to Both Lungs, Right Breast, Bones, and other parts of the body. Plenty of fluid was accumulated in her Lungs.

Doctors had advised her family members that they cannot give her Chemotherapy or any other treatment and she was in the terminal 4th stage of Cancer. They also advised them that her survival chances were very less.

Earlier in May 2002, she had undergone surgery to remove a lump in the Left Breast. After the Biopsy test, it was diagnosed as Invasive ductal Carcinoma “Breast Cancer”. After Surgery she had undergone 6 cycles of Chemotherapy and 16 cycles of Radiotherapy. She underwent medical tests every year which showed as normal.

In the month of June / July 2012, her health started deteriorating. She was feeling uncomfortable suffering from Breathlessness (difficulty in breathing), swelling in the limbs, vomiting, and severe pain throughout the body. She was not able to eat properly or digest anything. She had become very weak and she was unable to sit, stand and walk properly and she was totally bedridden.

Rashmi daughter of Suresh Rani had gone through my website on Urine Therapy on the internet contacted me on phone and she revealed the case history of her mother. She forwarded the diagnosed report of her mother’s case by mail on 09-09-2012 and discussed with me the Benefits of Urine Therapy.

On my advice Smt. Suresh Rani started Urine Therapy on 12-09-2012.
Since she was very weak and unstable, initially her daughter Rashmi adopted the method of drinking plenty of water and eating a light diet so that she could pass clear and colorless urine. She was collecting her urine and giving it to her mother to drink and she was also messaging her body with her own urine.

Within a period of 3 days, she started feeling energetic & stamina in her body. She was feeling comfortable breathing properly without any problem. She was able to get up and drink her own urine. Gradually her immunity system was increasing and her health was improving day by day.

She adopted Urine Therapy in a proper method by drinking plenty of water, juices and taking a light diet. She was drinking her daughter’s urine along with it she was also drinking her own urine and messaging her body with urine twice a day.

In the period of 2 weeks (14 days) her immunity system improved and she became stable and she regained energy in her body. She was able to eat a light diet and digest easily. She was able to stand and walk slowly. She was relieved from swelling and the severe pain in her body. Fluid in the lungs had reduced and she was able to breathe in a normal manner.

She consulted Dr. Hari Goyal at Action Cancer Hospital, Delhi who examined Suresh Rani and was happy to see the physical improvement in her health. She underwent Palliative Chemotherapy inj. Taxol 130 mg with the interval of 7 days gap from 26th September under the supervision of Dr. Hari Goyal.

While taking Chemotherapy she used to drink her daughter’s urine and after 24 hours of Chemotherapy, she used to drink her own urine.

During chemotherapy and after chemotherapy she was not feeling any side effects like weakness, tiredness, numbness, and any other complication.
She used to feel that she has visited the hospital to take a bottle of glucose/blood.

After 2 cycles of Chemotherapy Doctor who examined her advised her that she is stable and her Lungs are totally clear and it does not contain any fluid.

He also advised her to continue 12 cycles of Chemotherapy.

She was continuing Urine Therapy along with undergoing Chemotherapy with a gap of every 7 days. Day by day she was feeling energetic and stamina in her body and recovering in her health. She has been relieved from all major problems of accumulation of fluid in the lungs, breathlessness, difficulty of breathing, restlessness, vomiting, weakness, swelling in the limbs, and severe pain in the body. She has a good appetite and she is able to eat and digest food properly. She is able to sit, stand and walk, climb the staircase, and do her normal activities in her house.

She underwent 12 cycles of Palliative Chemotherapy inj. Taxol 130 mg. from 25th September and 12th December 2012. She also underwent a Scanning of her Chest and Lungs on 12th December. After going through the Scanning reports Dr. Hari Goyal advised Smt. Suresh Rani that her Chest and Lungs are totally clear. He suggested her to undergo for PET-Scanning to view the final results.

She consulted Dr. Gurpreet Singh, Oncologist of PGIMER Cancer Research Centre at Chandigarh, and underwent PET-Scanning on 11-01-2013.

The report of PET-CT revealed that there are No Active Cancer cells in the body and all the Cancer cells are dead. The report indicates she is Normal and she does not have Cancer.

Oncologist Dr. Hari Goyal of Action Cancer Hospital, Delhi, and Dr. Gurpreet Singh of PGIMER, Cancer Research Centre, Chandigarh was very happy and satisfied to see the results of PET-CT that she is Normal.

Most of the Doctors and Oncologists who have seen the PET-CT reports are surprised by the results. They do not believe the Fact that a patient who was diagnosed with Terminal stage of Breast Cancer which had spread over to Bones, Lungs, and Lymph nodes can be CURED Of CANCER.

Smt. Suresh Rani is Surviving and has overcome the terminal stage of Cancer by adopting Urine Therapy with a Positive attitude in a short period of 4 months (from 12th Sept 2012 to 11th Jan 2013). She is continuing Urine Therapy.
She is Hale and Healthy and doing all her normal activities.

The above Facts/details have been confirmed by:

Mrs. Rashmi,
Daughter of Smt. Suresh Rani

Source: https://urinetherapy.in/urine-therapy-for-cancer/


天水自療. 鄧勤醫生著. Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)譯介


根據鄧勤醫生(Charles H. Duncan, M.D.)(1918)著名醫書《自家療法》(Autotherapy)第十一章〈天水自療〉,尿療乃係有效的自家療法,特別適合用來醫尿道病,例如排尿疼痛、尿頻、夜尿、膀胱炎、裏急後重(下腹不適,亟欲大便,但又無法一泄爲快)、糖尿病、布萊特氏病、淋病、神經痛、消化不良……在一九一二年十二月十四日至二十一日的紐約醫學期刊,以及一九一四年一月的醫療記錄中,作者報告自己正用尿醫好許多病。 這是現代醫學文獻首次提到用尿可以醫好病。 從那時起,鄧勤醫生和許多其他醫生都用尿成功,醫好多種疾病的患者,方法包括飲清晨第一涿(音篤)尿及皮下注射等。

鄧勤醫生闡明相關原理如下:科學完全醫不到的人,大自然常常醫得返。西方醫學之父,古希臘大國手希波克拉底(Hippocrates)認為大自然乃係至偉大的醫生。 順應希波克拉底的講法,「大自然傾向復原細胞組織」成為醫學箴言。 此外,另一古老醫學公理亦言:「疾病本身藴藏解藥。」 上天早已注定,感染作用物導致身體組織產生的毒素、毒素複合物或有毒細胞組織物質,可令人免疫,例如在患者的尿中發現的尿、膿、痰、血清等。

換言之,病原滲出液中含有毒物質,患者必對其發生抵抗力,實行療愈。 在自家療法中,患者的體內已有適當有毒物質,醫生只需找到相關有毒物質,決定適當的劑量及劑量之間的間隔,以便局部組織可能對其產生抵抗力。



病例一九八:患者,男性, 五十歲,膀胱同前列腺發炎;事緣兩腿骨折躺床一年。坐起身不夠一分鐘就要排尿。每晚要起床六次屙夜尿。一企起身就有強烈排尿意欲,裏急後重,排尿時感覺火辣辣。尿不含糖或白蛋白,但有大量尿藍母,大腸桿菌及尿酸過多。通常用來醫這種情況的措施幾乎無收到任何效果。最後決定用自家療法。指示患者每餐飯前半小時,飲清晨第一涿(音篤)尿3.55 毫升。 不出二十四小時病情明顯改善,進展太快,患者驚得停止飲尿。疼痛和裏急後重復發; 恢復尿療,大為改善。 X光顯示膀胱壁兩側的靜脈中有骨盆腔靜脈結石三粒。逐漸復原,五個月後晚上安眠自到朝早五點。舊的急趕便意差不多完全消失; 身體顯然健康。




英文連結: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/urine-as-an-autotherapeutic-remedy-by-dr-charles-h-duncan-ed-dr-chapman-chen/



Duncan(鄧勤), H. Charles (1918). Autotherapy(自家療法). New York: C. H. Duncan. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924031246337

Urine as An Autotherapeutic Remedy. By Dr Charles H. Duncan. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen


Introduction by Dr. Chapman Chen:

According to Chapter XI of Dr. Charles H. Duncan’s (1918) famous medical book, Autotherapy, urine is an effective autotherapeutic remedy, especially good for treating urinary diseases like painful urination, nocturnal enuresis, cystitis, tenesmus, glycosuria, diabetes, Bright’s Disease, gonorrhea, neuralgia, indigestion….  In the New York Medical Journal of December 14 and 21, 1912, and in the Therapeutic Record of January, 1914, the writer reported that he was employing urine successfully in the treatment of many conditions. This is the first mention made in modern medical literature of urine being employed successfully in the treatment of disease; since then it has been employed successfully both by the writer and many other physicians in treating patients suffering with a great variety of pathogenic conditions.

The principle concerned, as explicated by Dr. Duncan, is as follows: Nature often cures where so-called science utterly fails. Hippocrates recognized Nature as the Great Healer. “Nature tends to restore the tissues,” is a medical axiom or truism that has been accepted since Hippocrates gave his “Expectant Treatment.” Also, as another old medical axiom goes, “Disease carries with it its own cure.” Nature has foreordained that the patient should be immunized to his own unmodified toxin-complex or toxins and toxic tissue substances elaborated within his own body by the action of the infectious agents upon the body tissues, and as found, for example, in the patient’s urine, pus, sputum, serum, etc.

In other words, there are in the pathogenic exudates toxic substances to which the patient must develop resistance in order that a cure may be instituted. In autotherapy the patient has the right toxic substances within his body and it remains for the physician to find it and determine the proper dose and the interval between doses so that the local tissues may develop resistance to them.

Now, as pointed by Dr. Duncan, there is scarcely a pathogenic condition which does not affect the urine contents. Many pathogenic conditions which give rise to an excess of uric acid, calcium oxalates, sodium urates, etc., are quickly cured by the therapeutic employment of urine alone.






* Wood says, ” Dysuria, or painful urination is one of the symptoms of disease most frequently met with in general practice, and because of the fact that the disease is located in or about the bladder, or urethral mucous membrane, it is impossible to utilize the principle in its treatment of physiologi-

cal rest. Its pathogenic significance as far as the gross lesions are concerned may be slight, but its clinical importance must not be lost sight of. I know of no symptoms which will more quickly undermine the health of either man or woman, than a bladder irritation, sufficiently great to give rise to a frequent desire to empty the organ with coincident tenesmus.”

In this discussion we are dealing not with adventitious growths

♦Abstract from the able work on “Urinary Diseases,” by James

Wood, M.D.








as cancer, polypi fungoid growths, etc., nor with those conditions requiring surgical measures. Primarily we are dealing with conditions due either directly or indirectly to bacterial infections. There are conditions difficult to trace to bacterial origin that respond promptly to Autotherapy.


One of the strong indications for the use of urine as a

remedy, is frequent urging accompanied with burning and

tenesmus. These are not the only symptoms, however, that call

for urine as a therapeutic agent, for it has been found fre-

quently useful in conditions that are not associated with pain

and discomforts, namely, as nocturnal enuresis. There is also

another symptom where urine may frequently be found to be

useful; even though urine alone may not always be able to

cure the patient, and that is in hematuria.


In giving urine as a remedy we should be guided as to single

and repeated doses by the needs or requirements of the

patient; there are no set rules governing all conditions

we are called upon to treat. However, there are general

rules that are more or less difficult for the beginner to

understand and use properly which become useful in the

hands of the prescriber, as he accustoms himself to examining

the patient from the autotherapeutic point of view. It may

be generally stated that acute conditions require a larger

dose than chronic conditions. While this in the main holds

true for adults, yet there are exceptions to the rule. Dr.

Deachman’s patient obviously was suffering with a chronic

condition and as such required exceedingly small doses. Many

patients treated by the writer with the dilution of urine were

cured when apparently nothing else would cure them.


There are in the pathogenic exudates toxic substances

to which the patient must develop resistance in order that a

cure may be instituted. In other words, in Autotherapy the

patient has the right toxic substances within his body and it






remains for the physician to find it and determine the proper

dose and the interval between doses so that the local tissues

may develop resistance to them.


In giving the autotherapeutic remedy it is not the power of

the remedy per se that is increased or decreased by dilution;

it is the responsive power of the patient that determines

whether the dose be given in a we’ak or concentrated form.


The further we get away from the dose and study the

individuality of the patient the better will be our position to

treat the patient successfully, for there is no standard dose

any more than there is a standard individual. There is no

dose or potency that has maximum efficiency but the one which

the individual requires.


In conditions where the causative microorganisms can be

obtained readily there are no objections to using the opsonic

index as a guide if the physician so desires, but many authori-

ties now believe that this is usually unnecessary, for with a

skilled appreciation of the nature of the infection and the

response of the individual, the dose can usually be selected

with sufficient accuracy to meet the requirements of the patient.

The opsonic index is not as accurate a guide in marking the

interval between doses as was formerly supposed. There are

usually more than one pathogenic microorganism in the locus

of infection that must be taken into consideration in treating

the patient. The opsonic index repeated for each microorgan-

ism is obviously opening the door for complications which

are far beyond the average clinician, if not the average labora-

tory facilities.


It is difficult at the present time to state how far the auto-

therapeutic treatment of diseases may extend, for many con-

ditions apparently requiring operative treatment have been

materially benefited when urine as a remedy was properly







There is scarcely a pathogenic condition which does not

affect the urine contents. Our gross chemical and micro-

scopical analyses do not interpret the finer delicate shadings

nor differentiations that arise. It may be said that urine is

like a weather vane, sensitively registering any change in the

patient’s condition, be it great or small. Many pathogenic

conditions which give rise to an excess of uric acid, calcium

oxalates, sodium urates, etc., are quickly cured by the

therapeutic employment of urine alone. Whether it will

tend to cure all pathogenic conditions that cause an excess of these

substances in urine, is more or less in the nature of conjecture

at present but it is significant, indeed, when Clark’s Materia

Medica gives many conditions in which uric acid and urea have

been proved to be therapeutically effective. In the New York

Medical Journal of December 14 and 21, 1912, and in the

Therapeutic Record of January, 1914, the writer reported

that he was employing urine successfully in the treatment of

many conditions. This is the first mention made in modern

medical literature of urine being employed successfully in the

treatment of disease; since then it has been employed success-

fully both by the writer and many other physicians in treating

patients suffering with a great variety of pathogenic conditions.


Crockett in the Medical Record cites three cases of bladder

and prostatic troubles that were cured by autotherapeutically

employing urine alone — a complete substantiation of the writ-

er’s previous work.


Many symptoms apparently of the bladder are but reflex

symptoms from the kidneys. Where tuberculosis of the kidney

is suspected, the sediment, collected by centrifugalization,

should be diluted and allowed to stand and filtered in the usual

manner, and the filtrate employed. The filtered urine of crther

conditions may at times also be employed, diluted or not, to

suit the needs of the patient.






Case 190. The writer reports the following cases:


Patient, male, age 30 years, applied for treatment for cystitis

膀胱炎that developed after a long drive in the rain. At night he had

to void every hour or two. There was burning tenesmus (裏急後重)

and almost constant desire. A teaspoonful of early morning urine

one-half hour before meals completely cleared up the case

within two days.


Case 191. Patient, Hebrew, travelling salesman, age 38

years, had gonorrhea three months previous while travelling.

He consulted various physicians who succeeded in stopping the

discharge, but there were many threads or tripperfaden re-

maining and he held his urine with difficulty. He had had no

sexual desire since his infection. He was placed on sediment

of urine one part, alcohol two parts, colored with cocoa, with

instructions to take a teaspoonful three times a day before

meals. In four days’ time the strings in the urine were very

few. In two weeks’ time he said he was well, as his sexual

desire had returned. There were, however, still a few (very

few) threads.


Case 192. Patient, female, age 46 years, passing through the

climacteric developed a severe cystitis with tenesmus and con-

stant urging, etc. She passed only a small quantity at a time.

There was no evidence or suspicion of gonorrhea. Her urine

was filtered through a Berkefeld filter and five minims of the

filtrate injected subcutaneously. This relieved all symptoms

within twenty-four hours. She was given two subsequent

injections four days apart; there has been no return now over

six months.


Case 193. Patient, male, age 23 years. During his second

week of gonorrhea while under treatment developed an acute

cystitis. The condition had persisted for about three days. A

teaspoonful of his early morning urine three times a day be-

fore meals allayed the inflammation within twenty-four hours.


Case 194. Patient, male, age 36 years, stationary engineer,

has been healthy all his life. Two months ago he began to

have serious domestic and family troubles. Since then on the

occasion of great mental excitement, moisture and oozing from

the penis was noticeable. The discharge was clear. There was

no burning, nor was there a history of gonorrhea. He was

given a bottle containing an equal part of sediment of urine






(pipetted after twelve hours’ standing) and 95 per cent, alco-

hol colored with cocoa, with instructions to take a teaspoonful

three times a day. In three days the discharge ceased. He said

he felt stronger, and more vigorous generally, and particularly

in the genito-urinary organs.


Case 195. Patient, male, age 54 years, applied for treatment

suffering with urinary troubles which he described as follows:


Very uncomfortable when holding his urine for more than

two or three hours. Gets up two and three times at night, and

has constantly an uneasy feeling in the bladder, and troubled

dreams. He noticed five years ago that his sexual powers were

waning. When he applied for treatment, copulation took place

at from two to four weeks’ intervals, or more infrequently.

An analysis of his urine showed there was a trace of indican

and large deposits of sodium urates. After two hours’ stand-

ing the sediment in the beaker measured about one- fourth by

volume. It was thick and muddy in appearance. Specific

gravity 1018. There were some pus cells, and very few

squamous epithelia, no albumin or sugar. The prostate was

enlarged and very sensitive. Treatment: — He was instructed

to bring into the office a sample of his early morning urine.

This was centrifugalized and the sediment from four such

centrifugalizations washed with normal saline and again cen-

trifugalized. The sediment was now collected and mixed with

an ounce of distilled water and allowed to stand for twelve

hours after which time it was filtered through a Berkefeld filter

and ten minims injected subcutaneously over the biceps mus-

cle. Within twenty-four hours the cutaneous reaction was 8

inches in diameter. There was no appreciable constitutional

reaction. The cutaneous reaction was at its height within

forty-eight hours when it began to recede. The bladder and

prostate irritation became less. Eight days later he was given

another injection in the other arm — same reaction took place.

After this injection his symptoms cleared up and now he is

apparently normal, having sexual relations regularly.


Case 196. Dr. F. W. Sumner, British Surgeon of Saharan-

pore, India, reported in the Indian Medical Gazette, of Novem-

ber, 1914, in an article under the title of ” Prevention and

Treatment of Septic Wounds in Warfare,” the following case

cured by Autotherapy :






“European, developed acute cystitis with a temperature of

102° F. daily, with most painful and frequent strangury. The

urine was acid and contained bacilli coli ; there was no urethral

discharge or history of gonorrhea. Four days’ treatment with

cystopurin, etc., caused no amelioration of the symptoms. I

then centrifugalized his urine and collected the sediment from

several such centrifugalized tubes, added saline and shook the

tube well, again centrifugalized, decanted the supernatant

fluid, took six minims of the sediment, added an ounce of

saline (the writer prefers distilled water) stood it for twenty-

four hours, occasionally agitating it, and injected 20 minims

of the filtrate subcutaneously. Considerable reaction both local

and general followed, but the pain and strangury ceased at once,

as if by magic. He then made an uneventful recovery; one

injection only was given ; the temperature came down by lysis ;

it lasted ten days from the commencement of the illness.”

Dr. Sumner stated further in commenting on the use of Auto-

therapy : ” It is to be noted that pure unadulterated toxins

germ-free are thus injected, and the results are incomparable

with those of vaccine treatment.”


Case 197. Patient, Dr. Clifford M. Pardee, applied for

treatment, suffering with most severe tenesmus and constant

urging. He suffered intensely with paroxysms of pain. This

condition had prevailed for several months. As he had failed

to improve under the usual treatment, he decided to see what

Autotherapy could do for him. As he had been taking some

anodynes, he was instructed to take no medicines for five days

and then to bring in a specimen after a water-free diet for

twenty-four’ hours. The sediments from three centrifugaliza-

tions were collected. This was washed in an ounce of saline

solution, and again centrifugalized and the sediment placed

in an ounce of distilled water, and allowed to stand for

twelve hours with occasional agitation; after which time it was

filtered through a Berkefeld filter. It was then ready for use —

5 minims the subcutaneous dose. The doctor, however, decided

he could not wait for the injection and began to take per os a

drachm of urine in the following manner. He collected urine

in four four-ounce graduates. After a few hours he pipetted

off a drachm of sediment and took this. When seen in five

days he was decidedly improved. The paroxysms were not so






frequent nor nearly so severe. An X-ray examination was

then made that revealed two large calculi attached to the pos-

terior wall of the bladder. This case is given to illustrate how

Autotherapy will relieve the inflammation even though the con-

dition is not cured by its use.


Case 198. Patient, male, age 50 years, applied for treatment

suffering with inflammation of the bladder and prostate; this

had been gradually developing after staying in bed for almost

a year as the result of a fracture of both bones of both legs.

Upon rising from a sitting posture it was necessary to void

urine within a minute. He had to get up at night five and six

times. There was burning and tenesmus and constant desire

when on his feet. There was no sugar or albumin but a large

excess of indican and colon bacilli and an excess of uric acid.

The usual remedies for such conditions gave little or no relief.

It was then decided to treat him autotherapeutically. He was

instructed to take a drachm of early morning urine a half

hour before each meal. Within twenty-four hours his im-

proved condition was so marked that he became alarmed think-

ing recovery was too quick, and stopped medication. The pain

and tenesmus returned; he continued the treatment and im-

proved greatly. X-ray revealed three calcerous deposits

(phleboliths) in the veins on each side of the bladder wall.

He gradually improved and after five months his rest at night

was not broken till five in the morning. The old urging has

all but disappeared; he is apparently in good health; not well,

but vastly improved.


Case 199. Patient, male, age 56 years, a high liver. As a

morning-after penitent, he suffers with an irritable bladder

manifested by burning and frequent micturition. It usually

took a week to recover from these drinking bouts, and then he

is compelled to stop drinking beer or other alcoholic beverages.

Now whenever this condition prevails, he takes a teaspoonful

of urine upon rising and once or twice during the day

and is benefited within twenty-four hours. At the present

time he is not always troubled with morning bladder irritation

after drinking heavily the night before.


Case 200. Professor Robert W. ElHs, D.V.S., editor of the

American Veterinary Reviezv, reports the following case cured

by employing urine alone:






” Patient, a high-bred Boston bull dog, 10 months old, suf-

fering with a constant desire to void urine. There was loss

of appetite, and he was emaciated. Urine came in drops and

with great difficulty. Having had such extellent results in the

autotherapeutic treatment of animals suffering with many other

infectious diseases, he decided to make a test in this case to see

if urine as a therapeutic agent would have any effect. Accord-

ingly he catheterized the animal and obtained about two ounces.

With a long-nozzled syringe he placed this down the animal’s

throat; improvement was immediate and continuous. The

next morning he began normally to void urine; his appetite

improved and he has not had a sick day since, now over two

years. When accidentally seen six months after the treatment,

he did not know the animal, for at this time he was strong,

muscular and extremely active. But a single dose was given.”


Our best information concerning the therapeutic value of

many biological agents comes from animal experimentation.

The animal doctors have the advantage of us in that they can

be more free in the application of tests.


A leading veterinarian recently remarked that if he was com-

pelled to give up all else in medicine or Autotherapy he would

give up medicine and be more successful in treating animals

suffering with infectious diseases.


Case 201. Dr. T. Wilson Deachman, of Chicago, reports

the following two cases :


Patient, Mrs. B., age 39 years. Fourteen months ago she

began to suffer frequent micturition, neuralgia, extreme nerv-

ousness and indigestion. Urinary analysis was as follows:

Volume in twenty-four hours, 33 ounces. Day urine, 14

ounces. Night urine, 19 ounces. Specific gravity 1012. Re-

action acid. Total solids, 50 grains. Albumin, 1.47 per

cent. Microscopical findings, many renal cells. Squamous

epithelial pus cells. She was compelled to void five or

six times every night and was in a very depressed mental

condition. I put her on a rigid diet and gave her the usual

accepted remedies. She seemed to occasionally improve but






this was not lasting. I then gave the patient urine according

to Dr. Charles H. Duncan’s autotherapeutic treatment. The

result was magical, the improvement very rapid following the

first dose. The reSult following the second dose was what

was least desired or expected. She failed to improve and be-

came temporarily worse. I then reduced the dose by triturat-

ing the dose with sugar of milk; following this she became

so much worse I was afraid she would go to another physician.

I then placed her on sugar of milk tablets for about three

weeks. After this I gave the ickx) c.c. dilution of urine run

up by our local pharmacy. She then began to steadily improve

with the results that she presented in a very short time, the

very picture of health — with urine specific gravity 1018 —

normal in amount and color. She sleeps well the whole night

through and has no urinary symptoms. She has continued

to remain well now over six months.


Case 202. ” Patient, male, age 49, was extremely nervous

and irritable; he had wandering pains all over his body, head-

ache and general lassitude. He complained of a great deal

of pain in the lumbar regions and in the abdomen over the

sigmoid flexure. The bowels regular but there was an ex-

ceedingly bad odor to the stools. He improved on nothing

that I gave him. He had taken massage, osteopathic treatment

and drank gallons of medicine at the hands of other doctors

with no avail. The urine was a pale yellow, specific gravity

1020 to 1030, acidity 60 and up, passage in twenty-four hours,

20 to 25 ounces. Microscopic examination showed red blood

cells, pus cells, renal cells and abundance of calcium oxalate

crystals. The treatment consisted of a twenty minim injec-

tion of the urine diluted i to 100 with distilled water. He

improved with this to a certain point but did not entirely

recover until I used the higher attenuations, under these he

made a prompt recovery. Two months after he was dis-

charged, another analysis showed acidity 39, specific gravity

1020, absence of pus and renal cells, and volume of urine

1500 c.c. in twenty-four hours.”


Continuing, Dr. Deachman says : ” These are but few of the

many cases I have successfully treated by your method, the






value of which I consider inestimable. I make this statement

after a wide experience in treating many patients suffering

with chronic diseases and particularly in the use of urine as

an autotherapeutic agent. I am free to say that the results

obtained are out of all proportion to the usual recognized





Case 203. The following abstract waS republished in the

New Albany Medical Herald, February, 1915, (C. G. Moore)

from the Archives of Pediatrics:


” I find diabetes mellitus an uncommonly difficult disease

for the general practitioner to treat. April 14, 1912, I was

called to see a little seven-year-old girl. They gave me a his-

tory of her having felt badly for a few days and of having had

some fever. On examining the child I found her to have a

temperature of 102° F., but all my other findings were nega-

tive. I called the next day, and found nothing present out-

side of the temperature, which was just the same as the day

previous. In a couple of days they informed me her tempera-

ture was normal and she was feeling all right, but she was

passing a large amount of urine frequently and it left a sticky

spot on the sheet. I advised a strict diet but the parents re-

fused to adhere to it. Having tried all methods of treatment

on several other patients whom I have had within the past

few months suffering with glycosuria, I decided to try Auto-

therapy, for I had known cases of icterus which had failed to

respond to any medical treatment, but cleared up in a very

short time when they were given their own urine to drink. I

gave this little girl three ounces of her own urine three times

daily (first masking taste and color) and then examined for

the sugar percentage and found that when she was taking the

urine, the percentage of sugar dropped, and that when it was

withdrawn, the percentage increased. I could also see some

improvement in her general condition. She did not urinate

so often or so much; did not drink so much water; her skin

was more moist, and she was not so nervous. She finally sick-

ened of the urine and her parents did not continue the treat-






ment; since then she has been growing worse. The urine at

the present time containing 15 per cent, sugar with traces of



The comment the writer would make on this case is as

follows :


First, the dose was too large. Second, — the hypodermic

injection of filtered urine much diluted should have been given

after the patient refused to take it internally. From three to

five minims of the third or higher centesimal dilution appears

to be the dose -for this child.


The writer has successfully treated many cases of bladder

and prostate infections not reported. He believes that when

urine, blood and cerebrospinal or other body fluid, etc., are to

be given autotherapeutically, enough should be obtained and

preserved before treatment is begun to last throughout the

treatment. It appears that after the first treatment is given

the microorganisms remaining in the body are affected by it

so that their toxins no longer have the same therapeutic value

as the toxins prepared from the fluid before any injection is given.

Occasionally, however, a new specimen may be

employed. There are no set rules that will fit all cases and

each patient must be treated as an individual. The general

autotherapeutic rule is to discontinue administering the toxins

when the improvement begins. In this way the patient is

allowed to react to the toxins and to continue to react as long

as it is possible for him to do so. When improvement ceases

and the aggravation of symptoms again sets in, repeat the

dose. This gives the tissues another boost. After a time there

will come a period when he will not need this assistance and

will continue to remain free from symptoms. A dose or two

more at the proper interval, determined by previous dosage

in this individual case, is then given to increase further his

resistance to the infecting microorganisms.






Case 204. Dr. Eric Graf Vondergoltz, of New York City,

reports that he reduced sugar in a diabetes patient from over

5 per cent., to normal in two weeks’ time by the use of urine

per OS.


Nocturnal Enuresis


Case 205. Patient, male, age 8 years, had been wetting the

bed constantly all his life. He had been under the care of

several physicians with no improvement. He was sent to a

hospital where he was circumcised, but on his return the same

old practice of wetting the bed continued without intermission.

He was then sent to the country as a last resort where he re-

mained till the present time. While in the country he was sent

to school but remained for only a few days because his cloth-

ing was so impregnated with the smell of urine. Several

mattresses had to be burned for the same reason. September

18, 1913, he came under the writer’s medical care; it was then

decided to see what Autotherapy would do for him. Accord-

ingly a pint of early morning urine was mixed with a pint of

alcohol. Of this he was given a teaspoonful three times a day

before meals, beginning with the dinner meal. He has not wet

the bed since. By mistake the treatment was continued for

three weeks but no harm was done. The trouble has not re-

turned and the patient has gained progressively in weight, has

now a good color, and sings, a thing he never did before.


Case 206. Patient, female, age 10 years, has been wetting

the bed since she was a baby. She did not want to do this and

cried at times on account of her soiling the bed clothes regu-

larly. Her mother was instructed to give her a teaspoonful

of her early morning urine before meals (a fresh supply every

morning). This was sweetened with molasses just before tak-

ing. She stopped wetting the bed after the first dose. About

six weeks afterwards she began again; during the interval

she learned what she had been taking and her parents would

not insist upon her taking it again.


In one of the large babies’ hospitals in New York City

where children are taken up to the age of 12 years, this

method of treating nocturnal enuresis is found to be efficacious






in many instances. There were some cases that failed to re-

spond and whether this failure is due to faulty technic or to

the condition not being amenable to this treatment is not

known but it is successful in a sufficient number of cases to

warrant its being given a fair trial, at least in those condi-

tions that fail to respond to the usual methods of treatment.


The etiology of this condition is obscure and the question

presents itself — May not nocturnal enuresis be due either di-

rectly or indirectly to pathogenic microorganisms? It appears

that bacteria located in or near the sphincter would either

by direct or reflex action cause constant irritation that is the

precursor of relaxation. This assumption is apparently borne

out by the fact that the condition is frequently improved as are

all extra-alimentary and extra-pulmonary infections when the

etiological microorganisms or their toxins are taken by the



It is believed that broken-down products of normal metabolism

taken in this way are not conducive of the best physical

effect. When they are associated with pathogenic toxic sub-

stances as they often are in the urine, the amount of the

former taken is comparatively small and the benefit derived

from the latter is great. Ill effects, if any, are not appreciable.


Case 210. Dr. R. L. Rierson, of Oakland, Cal., reports the

following case:


” Patient, an old latiy, age 83 years, had been suffering with

Bright’s disease for many years. Her legs were swollen,

and with her other symptoms life was unbearable. By the

use of urine, according to Dr. Duncan’s Autotherapy, she

improved, was made comfortable, and no longer wanted to

die. She is not well and never will be, but it is certain that

here is a new therapeutic agent with wonderful undeveloped


Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/urine-as-an-autotherapeutic-remedy-by-dr-charles-h-duncan-ed-dr-chapman-chen/


Duncan, H. Charles (1918). Autotherapy. New York: C. H. Duncan.



尿療斷食醫沉痾. 嘉蘭醫生著. Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)譯


簡介:根據眼科醫生嘉蘭Dr. S.R. Gala(1990)名著《自家尿療》,自家尿療尤善於醫慢性病,例如哮喘、類風濕關節炎、癌症、皮膚病以及其他頑疾,包括西醫認為無得醫或須長期用劇烈療法者。自尿斷食及自尿按摩,效果令人驚訝。自尿斷食可持續八至十五日。 開始用自家尿醫惡疾之前,需要做一些準備功夫。



開始天水斷食(自尿斷食/尿療斷食)之前,應食輕便易於消化的東西,起碼一周,主糧應為未經煮熟的蔬菜和生果。體內維他命和鹽由是逐漸積累,斷食期間會有用。 除此之外,還須用儲了約四日的舊尿按摩全身。 為此,應準備好七、八樽,順序編號為一、二、三等。 斷食之前的幾日,必須日日用尿灌滿一兩個這種樽。 每個樽都必須標記灌尿日期和數字。 灌尿後個樽必須用塞妥善封實。


  1. 二. 自尿斷食首日

斷食首日,朝早一起身即刻哴口,那朝屙的尿全部飲煞,一滴不漏。 之後,溝埋尿同水做灌腸。

而今,應該打開一樽舊尿,用其中的尿按摩全身一粒鐘。 舊尿通常氣味濃烈難聞,但不要讓您打擾您。 按摩動作序列可按右圖數字。




天水斷食期間,由朝到晚的尿要全部飲煞。 中間口渴,可飲清水,又或加檸檬汁。療癒期間應完全休息。

天水斷食應按需要持續八至十二日。 建議由尿療專家監督指導。



斷食頭兩三日內,通常會感覺異常肚餓。但是這種餓是由於習慣,並非真正飢餓。 這種感覺通常兩、三日內消失。完成淨化身體後,就會開始感到真正的肚餓。表示斷食所需期限經已結束。 如果即使在此階段之後也無食東西,飢饉的影響就會開始展現。真正的肚餓和飢饉很難區分。肚餓是非常個人的感覺。心思專注某些得意任務時,就不會覺得肚餓。 另一方面,即使只是想到或見到中意的菜餚,都會即刻引起肚餓。 由於這種複雜情況,任誰都不能保證,只要不覺到真正肚餓,就不會因飢饉而營養不良。由於某些特殊情況而感肚餓,亦不能證明斷食的適當時期經已結束,而飢饉的不利影響可能產生。


斷食期間,人體燃燒體內異物和毒素,以獲得必需的營養。 同時,血糖和脂肪的分解代謝也逐漸開始。 如果體內脂肪儲存耗盡後仍繼續斷食,則體內各種組織的細胞和纖維開始消耗,嘗試提供應人體所需的養分。



酮體由體內產生,是為體內燃燒脂肪的產物。這些酮體進入血流,使血液酸化。 隨著越來越多脂肪分解,血變得越來越酸性。血中酮體的比例超過每100毫升血2.4毫克時,酮體溢流到尿中,酮病就發生。

尿有酮體是危險信號,皆因酮病會導致酸中毒,從而導致性命危險。 這種情況通常僅在長期斷食後才會產生,即四、五十日時間。

斷食的病者以及監督斷食的專家必須密切關注酸中毒的外部跡象,包括噁心嘔吐、呼吸困難(好像患者在苦求為更多氧氣) 脫水、脈搏跳動不正常、意識轉變(例如嗜睡或喪失意識)等等。





根據上述考慮,必須在適當時間終止斷食。 如有必要,幾日後可以重複斷食。 重複短期禁食比單次悠長斷食更安全。

想進一步了解斷食的人應讀Dhanlal Gala醫生和Dhiren Gala醫生的名著《斷食功效》。




終止天水(自尿)斷食可能比斷食本身更重要。斷食期間,斷食的好處可能並不明顯。 但是,斷食終止後的幾日內,這些好處很容易展現。

斷食終止後,必須謹慎行事,採取特別預防措施。 耐心和自我克制也同樣重要。 只有小心照顧這些因素,尿療斷食的好處才能鞏固,才不再需要重新斷食。在斷食終止的關鍵時期,須謹記,在斷食期間,消化系統經已放慢速度,幾乎靜止。關乎消化過程相關的腺體經已休眠。大腸也多少經已萎縮。 重新要這些器官承擔消化壓力時,必須格外小心。 每個器官都必須有機會依照特定次第重新激活自身。

專家認為,終止斷食,恢復進食應由少量甜酸橙汁或檸檬汁開始。即使是少量果汁,兩次攝入都必須隔得相當長時間,然後逐漸縮減時間,同時逐漸增加果汁量。 最好在果汁終止斷食後三、四小時排便。


  1. 八. 斷食終止後頭三、四日


為了急於彌補斷食過程損失的能量和體重,食用濃縮營養肥膩食物,不僅荒謬,而且鹵莽有害。 斷食後復食必須嚴格控制。 作為拇指規則,可以說,逐漸恢復正常飲食的理想日數應相等於斷食日數,甚或超過。此規則如不嚴格遵守,可能產生有害影響。


  1. 九. 斷食只是暫時權宜之計

須要斷食本來由於飲食習慣不妥當不平衡。 如果斷食之後,飲食習慣與之前一樣失控,則身體將再次成為廢物毒素倉庫,有害健康,引起嚴重疾病。

斷食不過是權宜之計,淨化身體,暫時恢復健康。經常養成良好飲食習慣,自我克制,很少需要長時間斷食。 對於這種人,斷食一日,或每週(或每兩週)都斷食一餐,經已相當足夠。


斷食終止後,有些人可能會虛弱一周左右。 但這通常只是暫時。血糖逐步積累,返到原本水平時,這種疲乏感將自行消失。

斷食終止後,如果體溫升高,感覺發燒,則應是由於斷食後復食過急,又或在某個階段粗心大意。 但無需擔心,只需立即減少飲食量,又或恢復斷食一兩日。







來源: Gala, S.R. (1990). Gala’s Auto-Urine Therapy(嘉蘭自家尿療). Ahmedabad: Navneet Publications. https://pdfcoffee.com/-auto-urine-therapy-pdf-free.html

Auto-Urine Therapy for Chronic Diseases. By Dr. S. R. Gala. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen

Introduction: According to ophthalmologist Dr. S.R. Gala’s (1990) famous book, Auto-Urine Therapy, the real efficacy of auto-urine therapy is exhibited most impressively in the treatment of chronic asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, skin diseases, and such other diseases deemed incurable or requiring long and drastic treatment by other therapeutic systems. Astonishing results are obtained by fasting on auto- urine and massaging with it. Such fasts may be continued for eight to fifteen days. Before embarking on auto-urine therapy for the treatment of such difficulty curable or incurable diseases, some prior preparatory steps are necessary.


  1. Preparations

Before commencing a regimen of fasting on urine, light and easily digestible food should be taken for a period of about a week, a prominent place in the diet being given to raw uncooked vegetables and fruits. This will result in the gradual accumulation of vitamins and salts in the body, which will come in useful during the period of fasting. In addition to this, it is necessary to massage the body with stale urine which has been stored for about four days. For this purpose, some seven or eight bottles should be kept ready, numbered 1, 2, 3 etc. in sequence. One or two of these bottles must be filled daily for some days before embarking on the fast. Each bottle must be marked with the date of filling as well as the number. The bottles must be properly stoppered after filling.


  1. The 1st Day of Urine-Fasting

On the first day of the fast, immediately on getting up In the morning and cleaning the mouth, all the urine that is passed that morning must be drunk up. After that an enema of urine mixed with water should be taken.

Now the bottle of stale urine numbered I should be opened. The whole body should be massaged for about an hour with the urine contained in that bottle. Stale urine usually has a strong and un- pleasant odour, but do not let that disturb you. The sequence of movements to be followed in massaging the body is indicated with numbers in the figure on the right.

When the urine in a bottle is used up, the bottle should be washed thoroughly the same day, should be filled afresh, and should be marked with the next appropriate number and the date of filling.

A bath should be taken after the lapse of one hour from the time of the completion of the massage. If there is a wound or a boil on any part of the body, massaging the surrounding area should be avoided, and a strip of cloth soaked in urine applied instead.


  1. During the Entire Period of Urine Fasting

During the period of fasting, it is necessary that the entire quantity of urine that is passed throughout the dav and night should be drunk. If one is thirsty in the intervening period, it is permissible to drink water, either plain or with lemon juice. Complete rest must be taken during the treatment.

This regimen should be continued for 8 to 12 days as necessary. It would be advisable to carry out the treatment under the supervision of a qualified doctor who is an expert in this type of treatment, in order that his guidance may be available whenever it becomes necessary.


  1. Hunger vs Starvation

Generally one experiences feelings of hunger in greater than normal strengths during the first two or three days of the fast. But this hunger is caused by habit, and is spurious, not genuine natural hunger. These feelings will disappear in two to three days. Later on when the task of purifying the body has been accomplished, genuine hunger begins to be felt. This should be taken to mean that the required period of fasting has ended. If no food is taken even after this stage, starvation will start showing its effects. But it is very difficult to distinguish between genuine hunger and starvation. Hunger is a very personal feeling. When the mind is occupied in some interesting task, one does not become aware of hunger. On the other hand, even the thoughts or sight of a favourite dish arouses hunger immediately. Because of such complications, one cannot rest secure in the assumption that so long as genuine hunger is not felt, the effects of malnutrition due to starvation are not likely to occur. Nor can the arousal of feelings of hunger due to some special circumstances be taken as proof that the proper period of fasting is over and the adverse effects of starvation are likely to set in.

The conditions of fasting on the one hand and starvation on the other can be reliably distinguished on the basis of human physiology and certain investigations.

During fasting the body obtains the necessary nutrition by the combustion of foreign materials and toxins present in the body. Simultaneously the catabolism of blood sugar and fats also commences to a small extent. If fasting is continued even after the store of fats in the body is exhausted, the cells and fibers of various tissues in the body begin to get consumed in an attempt to supply nutritive materials needed by the body.


  1. Ketone Bodies as a Danger Signal

Ketone bodies are produced in the body as products of the combustion of fats in the body. These ketone bodies enter the blood stream, and make the blood acidic. As more and more fats are broken down, the blood becomes more and more acidic. When the proportion of the ketone bodies in the blood exceeds 2.4 milligrammes in 100 ml of blood,-a condition termed ketosis-they overflow into the urine.

The presence of ketone bodies in the urine is a danger signal, because ketosis leads to acidosis, resulting in a crisis for life itself. This condition is generally produced only after a long period of fasting, viz. a period of 40 to 50 days.

The patient who is fasting, and the physician who is supervising the fast, must keep a close watch on the external signs of acidosis, which include nausea, vomiting, laboured breathing (as if the patient is struggling for more oxygen), arhythmic pulse, dehydration, altered states of consciousness (as for example drowsiness or loss of consciousness), etc.

A chemical examination of urine becomes necessary on the very first appearance of any one of these signs, and if it reveals the presence of ketone bodies in the blood, an immediate termination of the fast is indicated.

As a general rule fasting for 10 to 12 days is completely safe, and even such a short period of fasting is generally of considerable benefit.


  1. Repeated Short-term Fasting is Safer

The fast must be broken at the appropriate time as ascertained on the basis of the above considerations. The fast may be repeated after some days if necessary. Repeated short-period fasting is better, and safer, than a single prolonged period of fasting.

Those who are desirous of knowing more about the science of fasting should consult the book The Efficacy of Fasting’ by Dr Dhanlal Gala and Dr Dhiren Gala.

1 The presence of ketone bodies in the urine can be detected by chemical examination of urine by Rothera’s or Garhardt’s method.


  1. Termination of Urine-fasting and Diet for the Succeeding Period

The breaking or termination of a fast is perhaps of greater importance than the fast itself. It may happen that the benefits of fasting are not apparent during the period of fasting. But the benefits will become easily discernible within a few days of the termination of the fast.

Extra care has to be exercised and additional precautions need to be taken at the time of termination of fasts. Patience and self-control are also equally important. The benefits conferred by the fast can be consolidated and renewed fasting is not required only if all these factors are accorded due care. At the crucial time of the termination of a fast, it is necessary to bear in mind that the digestive system has been slowed down during the fast to the point of being rendered almost inactive. The glands associated with the process of digestion have become dormant. The intestines too have become shrivelled to some extent. Great care must be taken in imposing the strain of digestion once again on all these organs. Each of the organs must be given a chance to reactivate itself in a certain definite sequence.

In the opinion of experts, fasts should be terminated, i.e. ‘broken’, with a very small amount of the sweet-sour juice of oranges or other similar citrous fruits. A fairly long interval must separate two successive ingestions of even these small quantities of the juices. The intervals can then be decreased and the amounts of the juices taken can be increased gradually. A bowel movement three to four hours after the termination of the fast with the juice is desirable.


  1. The First 3 or 4 Days

For the first three or four days only liquid diet such as fruit juices or the juices of the green leaf vegetables should be taken, and that too in fairly small quantities, which must be gradually increased. After four or five days of this regimen, it is permissible to include soft and juicy fruits, boiled vegetables, milk, buttermilk, small quantities of dry fruits, etc., in the daily diet. Normally a fairly long period should be allowed to elapse before resuming the normal diet of cooked food.

Being in a hurry to recoup the energy and the weight lost during the fast by taking more concentrated, more nutritious and fatty food is not only absurd, it is thoughtless and positively harmful. Diet following a fast must be rigidly controlled. As a thumb rule, it can be stated, that the number of days taken in gradual resumption of normal diet should ideally equal or exceed the number of days for which the fast lasted. Harmful effects may ensue if this rule is not strictly adhered to.


  1. Fasting as a Provisionary Expedient

The necessity of fasting is itself due to a failure to observe regularity, propriety and proportion in food habits. If the same lack of control in the food habits is to be exhibited after the fasting as before it, the body will once again become a storehouse of insalubrious wastes and toxins, giving rise to serious diseases.

Fasting is nothing but a purificatory, health-restoring and temporary expedient. A person who is regular in his food habits and leads a life of moderation and self-control would rarely need long periods of fasting. For such persons, fasting for one day or missing one meal every week or fortnight would be quite adequate.


  1. Weakness after Termination of Fasting

Some people may experience weakness or lassitude for a week or so after the termination of a fast. But this is generally only a temporary phase. When blood sugar levels that have been lowered during the fast rise to normal values as stocks of sugar build up to original levels, these feelings of weakness will disappear by themselves.

If on termination of a fast, the body temperature rises and one feels feverish, this must be interpreted as an indication of undue haste in terminating the fast and resumption of normal diet, or some lapse or carelessness at some stage. But this is no cause for worry. All that is required is an immediate reduction in the amount of food being taken, or resuming the fast for a day or two.

Work involving physical exertion should be resumed only gradually, after resting for a week following the termination of a fast. While resuming one’s activity, one must pay due attention to the condition of one’s body and the experiences one had during the fast.

Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/auto-urine-therapy-for-chronic-diseases-by-dr-s-r-gala-ed-dr-chapman-chen/

Source: Gala, S.R. (1990). Gala’s Auto-Urine Therapy. Ahmedabad: Navneet Publications. https://pdfcoffee.com/-auto-urine-therapy-pdf-free.html



牲畜業重抵死,佛陀托缽食肉?(癡人謗佛) 作者:曾焯文博士




《入楞伽經》卷八,《遮食肉品》第十六,五千四百零八字,專講一個主題:食肉之過、不食功德,出現十七次。﹞佛言:「大慧!羅剎惡鬼常食肉者,聞我所說尚發慈心、捨肉不食,況我弟子行善法者,當聽食肉?若食肉者,當知即是眾生大怨,斷我聖種。大慧!若我弟子聞我所說,不諦觀察而食肉者,當知即是旃陀羅種,非我弟子,我非其師。是故大慧!若欲與我作眷屬者,一切諸肉悉不應食。」「一切眾生,從本以來,輾轉因緣,嘗為六親,以親想故,不應食肉。」 「是故修行者,慈心不食肉,食肉無慈慧,永背正解脫。」楞嚴經: 「貪愛同滋,貪不能止,則諸世間卵化濕胎,隨力強弱,遞相吞食。以人食羊,羊死為人,人死為羊,如是乃至十生之類,死死生生,互來相,惡業俱生,窮未來際,以是因緣,經千百劫,常在生死。」《大方廣華嚴十惡品經》迦葉菩薩白佛言:「世尊!食肉者得何等罪?」佛告迦葉:「善哉,善哉!一切眾生不食肉者,是吾遺腹之子,則非凡夫。善男子!一切眾生若受大乘大般涅槃。善男子!一切眾生若住一劫不聽食肉。」「世尊!食肉者墮何處地獄?」佛告迦葉:「食肉者墮阿鼻地獄」。




















Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e7%89%b2%e7%95%9c%e6%a5%ad%e9%87%8d%e6%8a%b5%e6%ad%bb%ef%bc%8c%e4%bd%9b%e9%99%80%e6%89%98%e7%bc%bd%e9%a3%9f%e8%82%89%ef%bc%9f%ef%bc%88%e7%99%a1%e4%ba%ba%e8%ac%97%e4%bd%9b%ef%bc%89-%e4%bd%9c%e8%80%85/


一:漢文大藏經 http://tripitaka.cbeta.org/X60n1138_001




李時珍本草綱目論尿療. Ed. Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文編)









寒熱頭痛,溫氣。童男者尤良(《別錄》)。主久嗽上氣失聲,及症積滿腹(蘇恭)。明目益聲潤肌膚,利大腸,推陳致新,去咳嗽肺痿,鬼氣 病。停久者,服之佳。恐冷,則和熱湯服(藏器)。止勞渴,潤心肺,療血悶熱狂,撲損,瘀血在內運絕,止吐血鼻衄,皮膚皴裂,難產,胎衣不下,蛇犬咬(大明)。滋陰降火甚速(震亨)。殺蟲解毒,療瘧中暍 (時珍)。





















下痢休息︰杏仁(去皮, 炒,研)二兩,以 豬肝一具,切片,水洗血淨,置淨鍋中,一重肝,一重杏仁,鋪盡,以童便二升同煎乾,放冷,任意食之。(《聖惠方》)




中暍昏悶︰夏月人在途中熱死,急移陰處,就掬道上熱土擁臍上作窩,令人溺滿,暖氣透臍即蘇,乃服地漿、蒜水等藥。林億雲︰此法出自張仲景,其意殊絕,非常情所能及,本草所能關,實救急之大術也。蓋臍乃命蒂,暑 傷氣,溫臍所以接其元氣之意。中惡不醒︰令人尿其面上即蘇。此扁鵲法也。(《肘後方》)



































鼻衄不止:五七日不住者人煏中白,新瓦 乾,入麝香少許,溫酒調服,立效。(《經驗方》)
















秋冰。時珍曰︰《淮南子》丹成,號曰秋石,言其色白質堅也。近人以人中白煉成白質,亦名秋石,言其亦出於精氣之餘也。再加升打,其精緻者,謂之秋冰,此蓋仿海水煎鹽之義。方士亦以鹽入爐火 成偽者,宜辨之。嘉謨曰︰秋石須秋月取童子溺,每缸入石膏末七錢,桑條攪,澄定傾去清液。如此二三次,乃入秋露水一桶,攪澄。如此數次,滓穢滌淨,鹹味減除。以重紙鋪灰上曬乾,完全取起,輕清在上者為秋石,重濁在下者刮去。

古人立名,實本此義。男用童女溺,女用童男弱,亦一陰一陽之道也。世醫不取秋時,雜收人溺,但以皂莢水澄,曬為陰煉, 為陽煉。盡失於道,何合於名?媒利敗人,安能應病?況經火煉,性卻變溫耶?













陽煉法︰用人尿十餘石,各用桶盛。每石入皂莢汁一碗,竹杖急攪百千下,候澄去清留 。並作一桶,如前攪澄,取濃汁一二斗濾淨,入鍋熬乾,刮下搗細。再以清湯煮化,筲箕鋪紙淋過,再熬。如此數次,直待色白如雪方止。用沙盒固濟,火煅成質,傾出。如藥未成,更煅一二次,候色如瑩玉,細研。入砂盒內固濟,頂火養七晝夜,取出攤土上,去火毒,為末,棗膏丸梧桐子大。每空心溫酒下三十丸。


陰煉法︰用人尿四五石,以大缸盛。入新水一半,攪千回,澄定,去清留 。又入新水攪澄,直候無臭氣,澄下如膩粉,方以曝乾。刮下再研,以男兒乳和如膏,烈日曬乾,蓋假太陽真氣也。如此九度,為末,棗膏和,丸梧桐子大。每午後溫酒下三十丸。(葉石林《水雲錄》)

秋冰乳粉丸︰固元陽,壯筋骨,延年不老,卻百病。用秋冰五錢,頭生男乳曬粉五錢,頭生女乳曬粉五錢,乳香二錢五分,麝香一分,為末,煉蜜丸芡子大,金箔為衣,烏金紙包,黃蠟匱收,勿令泄氣。每月用乳汁化服一丸,仍日飲乳汁助之。秋冰法︰用童男、童女尿 各一桶,入大鍋內,桑柴火熬乾。刮下,入河水一桶攪化,隔紙淋過。復熬刮下,再以水淋煉之。如此七次,其色如霜,或有一斤。入罐內,上用鐵燈盞蓋定,鹽泥固濟,升打三炷香。看秋石色白如玉,再研,再如前升打。燈盞上用水徐徐擦之,不可多,多則不結;不可少,少則不升。自辰至未,退火冷定。其盞上升起者,為秋冰,味淡而香,乃秋石之精英也,服之滋腎水,固元陽,降痰火。其不升者,即尋常秋石也,味鹹苦,蘸肉食之,亦有小補。(《楊氏頤真堂經驗方》)







腫脹忌鹽︰只以秋石拌飲食。待腫脹消,以鹽入罐 過,少少用之。(《摘玄方》)




Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e6%9d%8e%e6%99%82%e7%8f%8d%e6%9c%ac%e8%8d%89%e7%b6%b1%e7%9b%ae%e8%ab%96%e5%b0%bf%e7%99%82-ed-dr-chapman-chen%ef%bc%88%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%e7%b7%a8%ef%bc%89/




How to Exorcise Yourself with a Lukewarm Urine Saline Bath. By Dr. Chapman Chen

Abstract: Everything in this universe is vibrational energy, according to Einstein and Tesla. When your vibrational energy is low, you may attract dubious spirits. And when you are possessed by them, you will feel fatigued, or restless, or you may become quite irrational and unreasonable, and you may end up in deep shit. If this is the case, why not try a lukewarm urine saline bath in the morning, which will raise your vibrational energy, and purify, detoxify and exorcise yourself? So fill a tub with warm water. Pour in a cup of Himalayan pink salt and a cup of your own urine (the message rather than the actual weight or volume is  important). Burn tranquilizing essential oil, e.g., rose oil, next to the tub, and play some spiritual, harmonious music. Lie down in the tub and, while washing your head and body, recite spiritual verses, the contents of which depend on your faith.

Full Text: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/how-to-exorcise-yourself-with-a-lukewarm-urine-saline-bath-by-dr-chapman-chen/

  1. Everything is Vibrational Energy


According to Nikola Tesla (1899) (Note 1), “Everything is light.”  According to Einstein Albert (1905), E=mc². E is energy and m is mass or matter.  So the virtual and the material are interchangeable. Now, it is a well-established fact in Physics that each vibration has a frequency.

Lower frequency vibrations are produced by negativity. Any time you feel anxiety, anger, fear, jealousy or hatred you are producing low-frequency vibrations. These low, heavy vibrations drag you down. When your vibrational frequency is low, wayward spirits or demons may attach themselves to you and further drain your energy.

Higher frequency vibrations are produced by positivity. Any time you feel love, sympathy, confidence, gratitude, awe or kinship you are producing high-frequency vibrations. These light, bouncing vibrations make you feel more energetic and cheerful. When raising your vibration, you can wipe out lower-frequency vibrations with high-frequency ones. A warm Himalayan salt bath will serve this function.


  1. A Lukewarm Himalayan Salt Bath is Beneficial


First of all, fill up a tub with lukewarm water and then add a cup of Himalayan salt to it.


2.1. Why Himalayan Salt


Himalayan salt is a natural rock salt that often has a pinkish tint due to mineral impurities. It can also be found in white, orange, red, and grey. Himalayan salt is beneficial as it has the ability to unblock the spiritual energy centers in the body called chakras and increase vibrations due to its high mineral content. It has a remarkable ability to absorb the low and negative energies present in your person and your environment and transform them into clean, fresh energy. Greek for salt is in fact Halo.


2.2. Why Lukewarm Water?


When salt is warmed in water, negative ions are emitted. These are the “good” ions, which could help regulate sleep patterns and mood, reduce stress, boost immune system function, increase metabolism of carbs and fats, and kill or inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, viruses, and mold species. On the other hand, positive ions from electronics like microwaves, phones, and from most forms of pollution, toxic chemicals, pet dander, pollen, mold, and other harmful chemicals, with which we are constantly being bombarded every day, are bad ions.


Physically, salt water (i.e. saline), especially warm saline, with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property, can help clean and promote healing through a process called osmosis. Spiritually, it can cleanse you and boost your vibrational frequency. “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out,” said Jesus (Matthew 5: 13 -16 NIV). However, for reasons that will become clear below, use lukewarm bathwater instead of hot water.


  1. Why Urine should be Added to the Bath


Next, add a cup of your own morning urine. Remove the first and the last segments of it; just keep the middle one in order to leave out rudiments. As explained below, urine is living water which contains a huge lot of nutrients. Thus, in order to avoid destroying its vitality, use lukewarm bathwater instead of hot water.


3.1. Urine is Living Spiritual Water


According to researches done by world renowned scientists, urine is a blood byproduct:- “Urine…one of the most complex of all body fluids… contains practically all of the constituents found in the blood.” (Free and Free 1975) (Note 2). “Urine is considered to be produced predominantly as a result of plasma filtration in the kidney” (Magalhães et. al. 2018),  (Note 3). As urine is a spin-off of the blood, it contains life. “the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11 ESV). “for the blood is the life, and thou mayest not eat the life with the flesh” (Deuteronomy 12: 23 KJV). Urine as a collateral product of the blood is living water as Jesus Himself emphasized. In John 7:38 (KJV), Jesus said, “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” Here, Jesus was echoing his ancestor King Solomon’s advice, “Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well” (Proverb 5:15 NIV). The author of John went on to remark that by “living water” Jesus “meant the Spirit” (John 7:39 NIV).


3.2. Urine is 95% Vibrationally Distilled Water


According to American natural therapist cum chiropractic Dr. Edward Group (2021a), (Note 4) urine is 95% vibrationally distilled water, which is the most vibrationally powerful kind of water, i.e., living water.


Moreover, every 14 oz of urine contains 10 grams of electrolytes. Adding electrolytes to our bath water replenishes and energizes us, as it rapidly hydrates the body, nourishing and supporting our system.


3.3. Urine Contains > 3000 Nutrients


Last but not the least, according to Dr. Edward Group (2021b) (Note 5), doctors and researchers have proven that human urine is an enormous source of over 3000 vital nutrients, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and critical antibodies that cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source as well as up to six unidentified compounds not yet known to man. These vital substances include, e.g., stem cells, antibodies, biotin, dopamine, adrenaline, hormones like estrogen, testosterone, melatonin, insulin, riboflavin, serotonin, minerals like selenium, iodine, copper, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, nitrogen, urea, uric acid, rrokinase, vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, proteins….



  1. Pure Essential Oils can Raise your Vibratory Quality


Burning pure essential oil next to the bathtub will certainly help.

All essential oils are high in frequency but some are higher than others. Rose oil has the highest frequency at 320 MHz, frankincense has 147 MHz, lavender has 118 MHz, myrrh has 105 MHz, peppermint has 78 MHz and so on.

In general, a healthy human body has a frequency of 62-72 MHz when healthy. This drops to 57-60 MHz if you have a cold or flu, cancer may appear at 42 MHz and the death process begins at 25 MHz. Other things that lower one’s frequency are alcohol, drugs, dehydration, sugar, processed foods  and lack of sleep.

According to researchers in Washington using Tainio Technology, the vibrational frequency of essential oils are the highest of any natural substance currently known to man. With this in mind, it stands to reason that through the inhalation and topical application of pure essential oils you can raise one’s vibratory quality. (Note 6)


  1. Play Spiritual, Tranquilizing Music

Meanwhile, play some spiritual and tranquilizing music, for example, Dr. Simon Chau’s Zero Limits, when you are relaxing in the bathtub. (Note 7)


  1. Pray and Recite Scriptures

Now immerse yourself in the lukewarm, soothing, relaxing bathwater. And pray to the Supreme Consciousness or God for the good of all sentient beings besides yourself, and recite scriptures depending on your faith, like The Sermon on the Mount if you are a Christian, the Heart Sutra if you are a Buddhist, the Tao Te Ching if you are a Taoist, or “I am sorry, please forgive me, I thank you and I love you,” if you are a general spiritual practitioner.


  1. When and what time is Best for a Urine Saline Bath?

Primarily, find a day when you can stay at home and relax for the whole day (Note 8). Do this in the morning when the empowering yang qi is most vigorous. The 15th day of a lunar month is the best day for the gravitational force as exerted on the waters of the earth by the full moon will maximize the vibrational energy of the urine saline bath. Nonetheless, any other day will also work to a certain extent.


  1. Wear Light-colored Clothes

When out of the bathtub, wear light-colored clothes, at least for the day in question but preferably always because black clothes will attract dark forces. Mind you, true black is the absence of light. As such it has no frequency.

Keep prayerful and peaceful throughout the day. Eat vegan at least for the day but preferably permanently so that your spiritual energy will not be dampened by bloody violence.

In this way, your vibrational frequency will be heightened; you will be cleansed of all physical and metaphysical dirt; all demons and wayward spirits will stay away from you; and your body, mind and soul will be rejuvenated!




  1. https://electrical-engineering-portal.com/nikola-tesla-everything-is-the-light#:~:text=Tesla%3A%20Everything%20is%20Electricity.,we%20do%20not%20see%20this.
  2. Free, Alfred H. and Free, Helen M. (1975). Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29611317/#:~:text=Purpose%3A%20Urine%20is%20considered%20to,plasma%20filtration%20in%20the%20kidney
  4. https://globalhealing.com/collections/courses/products/urotherapy
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud5ajT0yns4
  6. https://smokymountainnews.com/lifestyle/rumble/item/33553-increase-your-vibration-with-essential-oils
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apLjLNj5T_o&t=1341s
  8. https://www.embracingspirituality.com/2021/02/02/spiritual-secrets-of-urine-and-ways-you-can-use-it-pt-2/

加拿大阿爾伯塔大學科學家發現:人尿含化合物三千幾種!Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)譯介

撮要:加拿大阿爾伯塔大學及美國哈佛大學醫學院的生物學家經過七年研究,在二零一三年發表論文人尿代謝物組(The Human Urine Metabolome)(註一),報告在尿中發現至少三千零七十九種化合物,其中七十二種由細菌所造,一千四百五十三種來自人體本身,另二千二百八十二種來自飲食、藥物、化妝品和環境。難怪美國當代自然療法名醫Dr. Edward Group(2021)(註二)話尿含幾千種重要養份、維他命、激素、酶和關鍵抗體,不能複製,乃係活水甘泉,能醫百病,起死回生。


一. 尿是非常複雜的生物流體

阿爾伯塔大學(University of Alberta)生物學與電腦科學教授大衞.威沙德(David Wishart)道:「尿是非常複雜的生物流體。我們之前都不知竟然有這麼多的化合物流入廁所。」 (註三)

研究人員發現,尿含的化合物多於其他體液(如唾液或腦脊液)五到十倍,並且顯示更大的化學多樣性。 人尿中發現的化合物可歸入二百三十種化學類別。






為了找到尿中化學物質,研究人員用了多種技術,包括核磁共振光譜、氣相色譜、質譜和液相色譜法。 他們分析了二十二名健康人士的尿液樣本,並蒐尋一百多年的有關人尿液的科學文獻,補充發現。





根據Dr. Edward Group(2021)的說法,醫生和研究人員經已證明,人尿含超過二千五百種重要養份、維他命、激素、酶和關鍵抗體,不能複製,不能從任何任何其他來源產生,還有多達六種不明化合物。 這些重要物質包括,抗體、多巴胺、各種激素,如腎上腺素、尿素、尿激酶、雌激素、胰島素、褪黑激素、表皮生長因子、生長激素、促紅細胞生長素、促性腺激素、血管舒緩素,維他命A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K、礦物質如銅、碘、鈣、鈣、鎂、鉀、鋅、幹細胞、蛋白質、硝酸、核黃素….



尿療法有五千年歷史,包括古羅馬、古希臘、古埃及、古印度、古中原等等。 據Edward Group(2021)指出,尿療法已醫好過癌症、心臟病、高血壓、抑鬱症、糖尿病、皮膚病、消化不良、便秘、腎衰竭、失眠、牙痛、牛皮菌、牛皮癬、脫髮、慢性疲勞、白內障、愛滋病、關節炎、過敏症、自身免疫性疾病、哮喘、不育、更年期、感染、中毒、傷口、骨質疏鬆症、呼吸道問題、痙攣、應有盡有!(註四)


  1. 一. Bouatra, S., F. Aziat, R. Mandal, A. C. Guo, M. R. Wilson, C. Knox, T. C. Bjorndahl, et al. 2013. “The Human Urine Metabolome.” PLoS ONE 8 (9): e73076. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073076. http:// dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0073076.
  2. 二. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud5ajT0yns4 .
  3. 三. https://www.livescience.com/39453-urine-chemical-composition.html
  4. 四. https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e8%80%b6%e7%a9%8c%e8%aa%a0%e6%84%8f%e6%8e%a8%e4%bb%8b%e5%b0%bf%e7%99%82%e6%b3%95%ef%bc%81by-dr-chapman-chen%ef%bc%88%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%ef%bc%89/ ;https://www.hkbnews.net/post/%E8%80%B6%E7%A9%8C%E8%AA%A0%E6%84%8F%E6%8E%A8%E4%BB%8B%E5%B0%BF%E7%99%82%E6%B3%95%EF%BC%81trans-dr-chapman-chen%EF%BC%88%E6%9B%BE%E7%84%AF%E6%96%87%E8%AD%AF%EF%BC%89

又食西藥又尿療有無問題?By Mónica Schütt. Trans. Dr. Chapman Chen(曾焯文)譯


又食西藥又飲尿並無問題,皆因身體會將西藥轉化為代謝產物,換言之,西藥的成分經已處理重組,精心分離為生物可用形式。 西藥隨尿流出時,狀態經已不活躍,而如果這種尿再度攝入體內,人體可輕鬆決定如何處理這些藥物的殘留物,即經已分解的西藥成分,處理時亦不會蒙受任何有毒影響,事關這些成分並不活躍,易於管理使用,結合轉換,傳輸變化…




Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e5%8f%88%e9%a3%9f%e8%a5%bf%e8%97%a5%e5%8f%88%e5%b0%bf%e7%99%82%e6%9c%89%e7%84%a1%e5%95%8f%e9%a1%8c%ef%bc%9fby-monica-schutt-trans-dr-chapman-chen%ef%bc%88%e6%9b%be%e7%84%af%e6%96%87%ef%bc%89/