美國棒球冠軍贏波秘訣:用尿潤手!Trans. Dr. Chapman Chen 曾焯文

Of all the conspiracies worth diving in to this must surely top the lot. We have spent our lives with the understanding that pee is a foul smelling waste product which is why the idea of drinking it is so very disagreeable. Yet when we research this subject, what we find is that it is not a waste product at all, but something far more complex in design with the ability to cure our ailments, extending our lives substantially and I have come to the realisation that humans are in fact been designed to drink their pee.
A common argument is that the medical industry would be all over this if it were true, so let us ponder this thought for a moment.
Urea is the (supposedly) toxic waste bit of our urine. Curious then that it is an FDA approved drug and although it is mostly synthesised today, it can be found in many drugs and skin care products. Knowing this we could argue that the medical & pharmaceutical industry have been making the most of urine for a long time already.
It is important to note that industry requires profit.
So, if humans really can fix all their ailments by drinking their pee, this information represents a HUGE threat to any industry which profits from our poor health and every effort would be made to kept it a secret.
So one could also say it like this: ultra filtered plasma.
Plasma is the watery part of the blood.
So, just to re-cap, the medical name for urine is (basically) ultra filtered water.
Does that sound toxic to you?
I don't want to hammer this point too much but before I move on I would like you to consider amniotic fluid (which is comprised mostly of the mother's urine) and the fact that we are suspended in it throughout our foetal development.
Now consider that a man's penis releases sperm & urine through the same tube.
That's right. Nature simply wouldn't design us this way if urine contained even the smallest amount of toxins.
We don't need to be biologists to recognise the reality here. Urine is not toxic. On the contrary, every single one of us has been gifted life in this physical plane thanks to its nurturing attributes.
As is my way I have jumped into this subject with both feet and for the last 2 weeks have been drinking a litre of my urine in the mornings. I have also been washing my hands and face in the first pee of the day, massaging it into my scalp and swilling/gargling it too.
Can you hear all those alarm bells going off in your head right now? That is called conditioning. Take a deep breath and push beyond the automatic knee jerk reaction if you want to learn something important here.
To find conditioning free examples in nature we must look toward children & animals.
Like it or not, kids instinctively eat their boogers and will continue to do so even when instructed not to. I tell you this because it was recently found that eating boogers strengthens the immune system and even defends against HIV.
So how would children be if we didn't indoctrinate them with the idea that they should not under any circumstances drink their own pee?
My son Esteban is three years old and has been watching my new pee drinking habit with interest, so yesterday I challenged him to have a taste of his own pee and instead of telling me how disgusting this would be (which is what I expected) he dipped his finger into the stream of his pee and tasted it, declaring it to be yummy.
Thinking about this I am not all that surprised as he instinctively loves things with a salty flavour. Most of us do.
Curious to know more, I pretended to poop in my hands and eat it, asking him if he would like to try doing this himself? He laughed at me and gave the expected response, "NO WAY Sam, that's dégueulasse!" which is french for disgusting.
Whilst this is far from conclusive evidence it is still very interesting to see him instinctively make the distinction between that which is waste and that which is not.
If it really was a toxic waste, why would so many mammals instinctively do this?
Take a look at how our nearest relative in the animal kingdom feels about drinking his pee.
Go on... you know you wanna watch it!
( Crazy monkey drinking its own pee )
The person who posted this film calls the monkey crazy, yet in truth it is them that is crazy for not recognising that the monkey is just acting in tune with the true functionality of his body.
Thanks to the continued use of the word 'waste' when referring to the role of the kidneys there is some confusion now about how our body actually works. So, let us clarify.
Food is digested by the stomach and intestine, gets absorbed into the blood and goes directly to the liver which is the 2nd largest organ at the size of a football, the skin being the 1st largest.
The liver is responsible for 500 different functions, but its main job is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract. It is the body's first line of defence against unwanted substances in the blood, just as one would expect given its size.
Another function worth mentioning is the production of urea, which leaves the body with the urine, diluted at around 2%. Whilst this substance is continually described as waste, the enormous industry built on selling us skin products & drugs which contain urea would beg to differ.
When the blood exits the liver it is considered clean and ready for the body, but to maintain the perfect balance, the kidneys then act as a filter, removing anything the body has an excess of in that moment and cannot use, sending it to the bladder so that it may quickly exit the body.
Can you see now why urine is not a waste product?
This STERILE liquid is mostly comprised of pure (distilled) water.
In 1975 one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr A.H.Free wrote "Urinalysis in clinical laboratory practice" in which he concluded the following:
Not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water) but it is now recognised that urine contains literally thousands of compounds. Dr A.H.Free
Let us google "is pee a waste product?" and see what we find. Notice how they use the word waste twice and highlight it in black.
These words represent only half the truth because while our bodies do eject a variety of compounds with our urine that doesn't mean they are no longer bio-available. What it actually means is that the body doesn't need them at that moment and has no way of storing them, so pees them out.
Curious to find evidence of these problems I scanned down all the articles under this statement and it immediately became evident that they were all referring to the same situation in which we have no drinking water, implying that we will quickly die if we have nothing to drink but our urine.
This is Dave Murphy who recently fasted for 30 days on nothing but his own urine and experienced no toxic side effects.
It is easy to assume that the consistent 'looping' of ones own urine would lead to the build-up of toxic substances but this is simply not the case. Dave describes how after 30 days his urine was clear and sweet, his blood purer than ever before.
Don't you find it strange that most of us hold the belief that humans can survive only a few days without water?
That would be because our education system teaches it as fact.
Can you see the scale of this deception now?
It is important to question every aspect of our reality in this age of awakening. Much wisdom has been lost over the years, hidden from us because it doesn't fit the tax slave, mind control agenda.
Urine drinking, also known as urine therapy, is a practice which goes back further than we will ever know.
The evidence we have dates it as far back as the Aztecs, ancient Rome, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt and the native Americans, all of whom used it to treat everything from acne to cancer.
These cultures would not only drink it but they would also bathe in it, apply it to their skin and wash their hair with it.
It is recommended by those already partaking in urine therapy that we wash ourselves in the first pee of the day. Having done exactly this for two weeks I can confirm that I have never before felt my skin so soft!
Urea absorbs water while reducing the amount of water lost and it naturally exfoliates the skin while keeping out toxins.
It also works as an anaesthetic and is great for wound healing.
Urine is 95% distilled water. So, what exactly is distilled water?
Dis-still describes the molecules which are all negatively charged and just as it is with magnets of the same charge they are all pushing away from each other creating motion.
Toxins and heavy metals are positively charged and therefore attracted to the negatively charged water molecules, so once they have made that magnetic attachment the body is able to effectively remove them from the blood, making this something along the lines of a molecular cleanse.
Pure distilled water has no dissolved solids and should measure zero parts per million (PPM) on a TDS meter. It should be noted that tap water, mineral water & pretty much any other source you can think of doesn't come close to the 0PPM of distilled water.
There are four types of distilled water:
The natural water cycle:
Precipitation in the form of rain, due & fog is freshly created and therefore distilled. River water and natural springs are not distilled because they contain minerals & other compounds.
Fruit & veg:
The water in our most natural food is distilled.
The most effective way of all to produce distilled water.
The minerals contained in river water and spring water are inorganic. Not only are they useless to the body, they are actually dangerous. So you can put down that Evian bottle right now. This is in stark contrast to the minerals in urine which are organic and bioavailable.
Webber has been drinking his urine for over ten years and now lectures around the world on the subject of urine therapy. He has followed up on 100s of testimonials from people who have cured every disease you can name and is yet to find a condition which is not positively affected by urine therapy.
It is worth noting that these healing effects only take place when the person is drinking at least 3-4 Litres a day of distilled water... some of which must be urine.
This lecture & question session is long but I strongly recommend you watch at least the first half if you want to fully grasp this subject. From what I can tell this is the best video summary available.
A few of his key points here:
Not long ago Dr Mercola spoke about how distilled waters leech minerals from our bodies, which had a massive effect on the growing movement of distilled water drinkers.
Distilled water is NOT good for you and should be avoided. I still have been unable to locate more "scientific" proof which discusses the reasons for avoiding distilled water based on the physics of what happens. When I locate it I will post it. Dr Mercola
We are still waiting for him to post this evidence and in the meantime he is preaching this information as fact.
Webber suggests that Dr Mercola is part of the control system and has been cunningly presented to us as a truth seeker by speaking out about the dangers of vaccines, when he is in fact only there to gain our trust and hide the most important truths from us.
Urine has the ability to 'teach' our body what is going on when we ingest it. More than teach, it provides the cure to whatever is going wrong. The mechanism for this is simply not understood, but the evidence is there in the form of testimonials.
Webber uses poisonous snake bites as an example. Perhaps you have heard the suggestion that one should pee on animal bites? This is because around 15seconds after you are bitten, your body is already producing antibodies for that venom and when you pee, out it comes. Drinking it will simply speed up the healing process.
Webber goes on to mention Google's favourite 'stuck on a desert island' situation in which drinking our urine is supposedly deadly, proposing that we can drink any stagnant water we happen to come across on our island and while this water may be full of potentially deadly bacteria, this is not a problem for our body as long as we drink our pee directly after.
When we have a disease we are literally pissing out the cure every day. With this in mind it is easy to see how this knowledge might present quite a problem for the medical & pharmaceutical industries.
Urine therapy is also an effective cure for allergies, even if you've had them all your life.
Finally Webber claims that babies smell so great because their bodies are free from toxins and goes on to say that when we drink distilled waters for long enough we will eventually be toxin free again and begin to smell like we once did! Sounds brilliant right?
Urine therapy was growing in popularity in China, led by CUTA. Members of the association were reporting on the huge number of benefits. So what do you think the Chinese gov did about this?
They closed down CUTA's website and declared urine therapy illegal in 2016.
I cannot imagine what reason they gave for this but their actions reflect the importance of this subject and the wider problem of mis-information and secrecy.
The first time I tried to drink it I failed because there is a phycological barrier which must be broken. After researching this for a week I became convinced and started doing a daily meditation with an affirmation:
"Urine is medicine" over and over and over...
Hold the nose while drinking and down the hatch it goes. If the first pee is too difficult for you, drink loads of water and see if you can handle the clearer pee, which really just tastes like warm water.
After two weeks I can tell you it is no big deal any more. Even first thing in the morning.
It is worth noting here that the closer to a raw vegan (fruit heavy) diet you can get, the more enjoyable it will be to drink.
I am currently re-growing my receding hair-line (using a natural method) and had been getting a few spots on my scalp. These have all cleared up since starting the urine therapy. In addition, it feels as if my hair growth has dramatically sped up in the last week. The image below shows my left side today and 20 days ago.
Indeed, there are many people reporting that their hair started growing back with urine therapy and even that the colour returned to the grey hairs. I can confirm that none of the new hairs growing on my head are grey.
Keen to find a counter argument I searched for people documenting negative effects from urine therapy.
The closest thing I could find was a woman warning that drinking her urine had made her more honest and therefore led to relationship problems!
There were also a few people reporting on the negative effects of urine therapy while using pharmaceutical drugs. Indeed, all medication should be stopped if you are going to try this.
It should also be noted that metal fillings can prevent the curative powers of urine drinking.
The personal testimonials of people around the world continue to filter their way into mainstream media. Take a look at this one, posted just a few months ago by the UK's Daily Mail.
Click the image to read the full article:
Naturally, all of these kind of articles end by quoting 'professionals' who advise us against drinking urine, despite the total success (and perfect health) of the person being interviewed.
Personally I have learned to ignore the advice of professionals (except in emergencies) and do a bunch of research before making my mind up on things like this. The control system is strong and we must be brave and push a little deeper if we want to get to the truth.
You are never going to see a big (non bias) research project on this subject, so you will simply have to use your intuition.
My advice is to re-set your perception of what urine is and start drinking the stuff right away. Based on my not so long list of side effects I was able to find, what have you got to lose?
Happy to answer any questions you may have.
This is a large amount of literature on this subject.
In 1945 John W. Armstrong (a British naturopath) published a book about the curative power of urine, “The Water of Life: A Treatise on Urine Therapy”.
In it he claims that urine can cure all major illnesses and that those near death need only to stop taking their medication and fast on their own urine to see immediate signs of reversal.
Even here on steem we can find personal testimonials which fit this picture. Hit the link below to learn how @aware007 fixed a long-term issue with gastroesophageal reflux disease and an abscess in his tooth using urine therapy.
Thanks must go to @sebcam (who has long been my body health guide) for alerting me to this subject and encouraging me to get stuck in.
A woman who drinks her own urine and rubs it on her skin claims it has cured her anxiety and helped her shed 30lbs.
Grace Jones, 32, from San Diego, has been gulping down, snorting, and rubbing her own urine on her skin and hair for the past two weeks.
The retail manager drinks a glass first thing in the morning and claims it has already cured ailments including her bad eyesight, eczema, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, digestive problems and helped with weight loss.
Grace said: 'I ingest it, snort it, pour it into my eyes and rub it on my skin and hands.
'I wee into a cup in the morning and drink it straight away.
A woman who drinks her own urine and rubs it on her skin claims it has cured her anxiety and helped her shed 30lbs. Grace Jones, 32, from San Diego, has been gulping down, snorting, and rubbing her own urine on her skin and hair for the past two weeks
She retail manager drinks a glass first thing in the morning and claims it has already cured ailments including her bad eyesight, eczema, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, digestive problems and helped with weight loss. Pictured is her eczema before
'I try not to drink it in the evenings because it gives me a lot of energy and keeps me awake.
'I'm completely off my blood pressure medication, it has helped my skin problems, my hair looks healthier and I've lost 30 pounds.
'I no longer have depression, anxiety or brain fog.'
As well as her new morning routine, Grace has adopted a plant based diet and cut out alcohol; both of these lifestyle changes are known to help improve general health, aid weight loss, and boost the complexion.
However Grace still credits much of her personal transformation to 'urine therapy'.
She decided to start following the controversial wellness trend two weeks ago when she came across a post on social media encouraging people to try it.
She said: 'I was skeptical at first and it took me a while to get over the stigma of it.
'It tastes slightly salty and buttery but it depends on what you've eaten and how you're feeling.
'I wanted to get off my blood pressure medication so I was searching for alternative methods so when I saw someone on Instagram teaching urine therapy, I just fell into it.'
Although she has been open about her quirky new self-care routine with her friends and family, Grace admits that she hasn't yet told her partner of nine years because she is worried about his reaction.
She said: 'I've told a couple of my friends and family and some have said I don't know what I'm doing or I'm crazy or sick or I'm going to hurt myself because it's toxic waste.
'I haven't told my boyfriend yet because I don't think his reaction would be positive.
'I'm just waiting for the right time. I have my own bathroom so I can keep it hidden.'
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Pictured: Grace's eczema on her finger before she started drinking urine and rubbing it onto her skin.
Urine therapy is still an extremely divisive subject in the medical community - with some doctors warning that the practice of drinking the liquid can cause infection because it contains toxins that have been expelled by the body.
However others claim that that urine is actually completely sterile because it has been twice-filtered by the body, first in the liver and then via the kidneys.
The effectiveness as urine as a topical solution to improve the skin is also the subject of debate and controversy - however some dermatologists note that it can be used as an anti-inflammatory treatment for some conditions.
Dermatologist Whitney Bowe, MD, told Refinery 29 that washing or toning your face and skin with urine may prove effective, but only if it is done in a very careful and regimented way.
She warned that anyone hoping to experiment with urine therapy should only do so with their own sample, and advised that it only be done with freshly-expelled urine, in order to avoid any potential 'bacteria contamination'.
Dr. Bowe added that anyone who is prone to UTIs, has diabetes, or is taking any oral medication, should avoid putting urine on their skin because this may cause a reaction.
Whether they’re practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine, Christians compelled by Proverbs 5:15 which commands the faithful to “Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well”, or alternative medicine advocates who dress the practice in a more scientific vernacular, there is a significant minority of people worldwide who drink to their health from cups of their own urine.
In the film ‘Urine: Good Health’, documentarians Cevin Soling and Eli Kabillio investigate the history of urine therapy practices, interview its modern adherents and advocates, explore the question of urine’s alleged medicinal qualities, and delve fearlessly into inquiries that many -- when confronted with the topic -- would wonder about, but few would ask.
Urine tastes “like sea-water”, according to one member of a urine therapy support group in Los Angeles, assuring viewers that drinking pee is not at all unpleasant.
“Urine, when it is first voided, is 100% sterile,” according to “naturopath” Dr. Robert Green. As it sits, urine may breed bacteria, and it is then that it takes on the unpleasant smell attributed to alleyways and public restrooms. This “Water of Life”, we are told, is capable of curing nearly anything.
“You really don’t need a diagnosis if you’re sick [...] you just drink your urine, and that will cure it”, claims Michael Maloney, New York City Fire Department Captain in an interview for the film.
“Urine is antibacterial, antiviral, and antiprotozoal -- which means [...] against parasites”, states the author of ‘Urine Therapy - It May Save Your Life’, Dr. Beatrice Bartnett (Chiroprator/Naturopath) who explains that when people are fighting off an illness, antibodies discarded in the urine significantly boost one’s immune system when re-absorbed into the system
But some in the medical community disagree.
There is also controversy within the urine therapy community as to whether it is beneficial or counter-productive to use urine other than one’s own. One urine therapy advocate advises, “If you’re visiting a country where most of the tourists develop dysentery, malaria, cholera, typhoid fever [...] as soon as [you] get to the hotel, ask the healthiest looking bell-boy for a drop of his urine, because he’s already developed resistance against the microbes in the area. His urine is the best vaccine [...]”
Other urine therapy advocates strongly disagree, believing that one can only expect positive results from one’s own urine.
Urine-drinkers seem united, however, in the idea that the medical establishment is suppressing this ancient “medicine” that threatens the therapeutic primacy of expensive pharmaceuticals.
It’s a controversy that continues to rage on unbeknownst to the general population, one which this documentary sheds light on with unflinching candor, intelligence, and absorbing pacing and cinematography. Urine: Good Health provides an entertaining introductory education to a topic that is sure to make its viewers the life of any cocktail party.