How can Drinking your Urine in a Survival Situation Save you if your Body has already Discarded it as Waste? By Dr. Chapman Chen

( excerpt )
Millions of people are suffering from Chronic Disease. To-day mankind has been surrounded by innumerable incurable diseases and man is feeling utterly helpless and dejected.
According to the survey conducted by the Government people affected with these dreadful Diseases are increasing every year. Scientists and Medical Research Department despite their endeavor and continued Research have not been able to discover permanent cure for several diseases.
Nature has provided us with all Natural Amenities like Air, Water, Sun light etc., which are essential for our Body. It has also provided us with "DIVINE NECTAR" known as "URINE" which flows from our Body. Urine has a Natural Healing Power to Control and Cure all kinds of Diseases. Just like Nature has provided milk in the mother's breast for nourishment of the infant child, similarly Nature has also provided Urine in human body for preservations of their health and cure of various diseases.
"URINE_THERAPY" is the Most Effective Natural Remedy and the safest method of treatment which does not have any side effects. It can Prevent, Control and Cure all kinds of chronic diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, Blood Pressure HIV/AIDS, Kidney failure, Muscular Dystrophy, Arthritis, Psoriasis, Hair loss, Mental Retardation and Cerebral Palsy etc.
It can boost the Immune System, Improve Nervous Disorder, Dissolves and Removes the Toxins Accumulated in our body. It can Revive dead Tissues, Rebuilds Resistance Power of the Vital Organs like, Brain, Heart, Lungs, Pancreas, Liver and Intestine etc. It rejuvenates our body and safe guards the general Health of the people.
The whole world at large can get rid of dreadful diseases and blessed with the Natural healing Power by "Urine Therapy." The very feeling that the "Devine Panacea" the solution for all Ailments is within us can fill your life with immense pleasure. Person's self confidence and positive attitude can solve all their problems and they will be able to maintain healthy & happy life.
Physicians and Doctors keep on saying that Urine is poisonous excreta of the body is far from truth. It has been proved by my practical experience that almost all the Diseases can be prevented, controlled and cured by Urine Therapy provided it is done systematically in the proper method.
Sun light is Nature's Gift to mankind. We need Sun light to survive and be healthy in body and mind. Sun light positive energies at sunrise helps to balance and promote healing physical, emotional and spiritual. Sun is perceived as co-creator and sustainer of Life on earth. Scientist through out the World cannot invent or make any other manmade alternative Power equivalent to Sun light.
Urine is the "Elixir of life" a natural liquid that can cure host of diseases gifted by nature for the purpose of maintaining healthy life. The similar or the equally powerful natural liquid does not exist in the world and cannot be created and achieved through any other source of alternative medicine or through any other scientific method. Urine is the water of life which is the Natural gift given by our creator for spiritual growth and physical well being. Urine has "The healing power which is within you". Only you can heal yourself, nobody can help you unless you can help your self.
Urine is a Universal and excellent Remedy for all distempers inwards and outwards of Body. It is Antidote to poisons and destroys poison and all disease generated from VIT, PITT, KAFFA and it improves digestion and body becomes strong. It cures the illness by removing the waste products and toxins from body and also stimulating the defensive mechanism of body. It acts wonderfully on insects and other poisonous bites. It works for all sorts of pregnancy problem, excessive menstruation, and tumor in Uterus. It destroys many diseases of eyes, worms of intestines, scarlet fever and all skin diseases.
Urine is gifted by nature for the purpose of maintaining healthy life. It is an entirely drugless system of healing all kinds of diseases and maintaining good health. It purifies blood and gives new span of life. Urine contains the necessary compounds, Vitamins, Hormones and all valuable minerals, salts and chemical compounds which are very essential for growth and maintenance of human body. Volatile salts of Urine power fully absorbs acid and destroys the very root of most disease in human body.
The taste and the color of the urine depend upon what we drink and eat. Persons have to overcome Stigma attached to it and understand the proper method, technique, necessary diet and mode of treatment. When we wash our vessels or dirty cloth with pure water, the water becomes dirty which has to be discarded in drain. Similarly if we include oil, salt and chilies in our diet then we will pass yellow color urine and it will contain smell which has to be discarded. But if we avoid and do not include oil, salt and chilies in our diet and take balanced light diet, drink plenty of water and juices then we will pass colorless urine like pure water which contains multiple vitamins.
It is estimated that there are more than 8,000 diseases in the world. There are various number of Medicine, Alternative and Holistic method of treatment. Some of the medicines provided for treatment have limited effects to cure disease and some medicines have side effects.
DIABETES: There are estimation that there are over 5.8 crore people who are diabetic in India. Diabetes is more common almost everywhere in the world. It is considered to be the root cause of many chronic diseases. Urine Therapy is the safest and easiest method of treatment to prevent, control and cure Diabetes. It can safe guard all other complications arising from diabetes include heart disease, hypertension, and diabetic retinopathy. The estimates in 2019 showed that 77 million individuals had diabetes in India,
HIV/AIDS is a disease where in people gradually acquire deficiency of immune system and the infected disease does not respond to any medicine. HIV infections lead to progressive reduction in number of T cells of CD 4 counts. Due to the deficiency of CD-4 counts of HIV the patient's immune system gradually reduces. The health of the patient deteriorates day by day and they suffer from various problems. Doctors advise them to take some medicine and Anti-Retroviral Therapy "ART" which is given to them just to delay the deterioration of the immune system. However their sufferings aggravate as there is no cure according to the medical science until to-day.
Urine Therapy is more powerful than Anti-Retroviral Therapy "ART". It can control the deterioration of the health of HIV/AIDS patients and improve their energy power. It can control and cure HIV/AIDS and relieve them from all other various problems. It can strengthen their immune system and increase their CD 4 Counts. Some of the people who have CD 4 count as low as 50 can increase their CD count to 800 and above.
CEREBRAL_PALSY, Mental Retardation-Disability is the loss of deficiency of Motor Control with Involuntary Spasm due to Brain Damage by Birth that causes Paralysis. They are affected with the disease with twisted hands and legs that they are unable to move or balance without assistance and are not able to speak, hear, sit and stand.
Urine Therapy has power to control and Cure all Ailments subject to from very Birth including Cerebral Palsy. Children's affected with Cerebral Palsy by Birth who are unable to move and cannot sit, stand, speak and hear will be able to sit, stand and walk. They will be able to speak, hear, response to sound and recognize persons. It can promote memory, intelligence and develop brain function and improve their Physical Deformity. Their twisted hands and legs can become straight and muscles will develop in their body.
Urine Therapy is not something new, instead it is a time proven method of entirely drugless system of healing and curing host of Diseases which has been continuing from generation to generation. In every civilization people have known the nectar-like properties of Urine. There are numerous references of Urine as a bestowed of heavenly health and super normal powers in "Yogic and Tantric" books.
Urine contains the chemical compounds which are very essential for the growth and maintenance of the health of human body. Indeed it is best natural tonic available in the world. There are some volatile salts in Urine, which are highly beneficial. These salts powerfully absorbs acids and eradicates most of the diseases in human bodies and as result many troubles of the body are cured from their very roots.
Urine is the best remedy for every external and internal disease of the body. It destroys poison and worms of the intestines. It gives new life, purifies blood and clears skin problems. It destroys disease of the eyes, makes body strong, improves digestion and destroys cough and colds. Urine repairs and rebuilds all the vital organs including lungs, pancreas, liver, brain, heart etc. Urine is also effective in dental and other oral troubles.
Urine is the best natural tonic, by drinking Urine, disease of kidneys, liver and bile, dropsy, stopping of sinuses, jaundice, plague and other poisonous fevers are cured. Outwardly applied it cleanses the skin and cures dandruff and is excellent against trembling, numbness and palsy. By applying Urine on body most complex diseases of skin are totally cured and the skin becomes clear and soft.
Urine is the watery part of the blood. Since Urine comes from the blood, it would qualify anyone who drank each other’s Urine provided if it is followed by the proper diet. Urine of a healthy person can be drunk or messaged by any other person who have difficulty or unable to collect his own Urine. A Person can drink Urine of any other healthy person as there is no other remedy equaling to this. It contains healing power which is amazing and a person gets enlighten spiritually which has to be experienced personally.
Mother can collect her white color Urine (color less like water) and give it to her child for drinking immediately after she passes from her body provided she drinks more water and eat only light and balanced diet.
This method can be adopted and Urine can be given to children and other persons who are affected with disease by birth like Cerebral Palsy and mental disorder. Urine can also be given to other persons who are unable to drink their own urine while undergoing treatment and who are suffering from any kind of Chronic Disease or who are diagnosed with Terminal and the final Stage.
Urine Therapy can Control and Cure Cancer. It is more effective and has greater benefits than Radiation and Chemotherapy. It can destroy the growth of Cancer Cells and prevent them from spreading to the other parts of the body.It can kill poisonous substance in the cancerous cell without producing any side effect. It is also effective natural alternative for blood transfusion.
Persons who are suffering from Chronic Disease should adopt Urine Therapy by drinking Urine, massaging the body with Urine, keeping Urine wet pack on the body, drinking water, juices and maintaining balance light Diet.
Persons who have adopted Urine Therapy can undergo “Strict Urine Fasting” for 3 days i.e. dinking only water and Urine during the treatment. Urine fasting can be repeated after 7 days to achieve better and faster results.
Cancer is conventionally treated with Surgery, Radiation therapy and Chemotherapy. However statistics indicate that these treatments are limited in their effectiveness to treat Cancer and are riddled with side effects.
Chemotherapy has potential benefits which can reduce and kills some of the cancer cells that spread to the other parts of the body.
It also helps to shrinks tumor in the body to some extent.
Chemotherapy has some side effects as it kills and destroys Healthy cells along with Cancer cells. Various complications arise due to the side effects of this treatment which results in hair loss, vomiting, stomach pain, infection, nerves and muscle pain, decrease of white blood cells and red blood cells in the body.
Urine Therapy does not have any side effects.
It can be adopted by persons who are undergoing Surgery and Chemotherapy to achieve more benefits and positive results in a shorter period.
People who have already undergone Surgery and undergoing Chemotherapy can adopt Urine Therapy to achieve more benefits and positive results in shorter period. They can undergo Chemotherapy as advised by the Doctors and they can simultaneously at the same time continue Urine Therapy. It can decrease and minimize the side effects of Chemotherapy and help them to recover fast. It will improve their immune system, build healthier blood cell and increase their resistance power. “Urine Therapy” can give them a new span of life and can relieve them from all kinds of sufferings.
Persons who are undergoing Chemotherapy can drink Urine of any other healthy person during treatment in the hospital. It will help them to reduce the various complications which arise due to the side effects of Chemotherapy. They can also drink their own urine after 24 / 36 hours of undergoing Chemotherapy provided they keep on drinking plenty of water. They can drink their own urine whenever they find that their urine is colorless and it does not contain any smell.
Doctors and Oncologist does not recommend Chemotherapy or any other treatment to the patients who are diagnosed with the advanced and terminal 4th stage of Cancer. They feel that their survival chances are very less and that the patient will not be able to withstand the side effects of Chemotherapy. Doctors give away their hopes of their Survival and prescribe them palliative medicine.
Palliative Chemotherapy and palliative medicine can reduce the pain to some extent and helps them in difficult situation till they survive. It does not cure any disease.
Urine Therapy can be adopted by the persons who are diagnosed with the advance and terminal 4th stage of Cancer wherein any other medicine do not respond. When Urine Therapy is adopted in a proper method it’s effects and benefits starts responding within a short period. It can kill the cancer cells and prevents them from spreading to other parts of the body and relive them from their sufferings.
Palliative Chemotherapy is not powerful or a strong injection. Its benefits and side effects are limited. It does not cure Cancer. It is light / mild injection and has some benefits to shrinks Cancer cells and it can become helpful and supportive method to cure Cancer when it is given along with Urine Therapy.
Urine Therapy can reduce and minimizes the side effects of Palliative injections which are given to the Cancer patient in terminal stage.
In many cases patients can avoid Surgery and Chemotherapy if Urine Therapy is adopted in early stage provided they follow the method of treatment in a proper method.
URINE THERAPY IS THE BEST REMEDYThis is the foundational therapy method applicable to all illnesses. Collect the first urine in the morning and ingest every day. Mix it in with meals for those pets who cannot ingest just the urine.
Collect urine in a clean container. Collecting first thing in the morning is ideal.
One option is to transfer the urine into a small Tupperware and store the container in the refrigerator. Not all dogs will cooperate and drink the urine as is. For dogs that refuse, you can mix the urine into their food. For our dog, Iris, she will drink soup mixed with urine every morning. The soup is made from cooked meat and vegetables and is easy on the stomach and useful for keeping the dogs hydrated.
Liquid propolis extract added to urine may speed up the effect of treatment, but some dogs are allergic to bee products so caution should be taken before use. You could start with a small amount of propolis, but to be on the safe side, let your dog drink just urine if you are not sure. Propolis counteracts the smell of urine, but it has its own distinct odor that some dogs may not like.
Lamu continued to ingest her urine that contained bacteria. By doing so did not affect her negatively, and her stool, which was a little soft initially, became healthy again. According to Dr. Ryoichi Nakao’s book, he documents a case where a patient with gonorrhea is cured after ingesting his own urine for a week.
It is stated that having bacteria in the ingested urine is important because it notifies the body of its presence and the need to take action.
It can be assumed that ingesting urine while infected may not be harmful.
From my experience, there were no negative effect observed when ingesting urine with possible bacteria, but I cannot say that would be the case for other situations. For example, you may need to use your own judgment accordingly such as in cases like chemical poisoning.
It is okay to ingest while taking medication.
外媒報導,德國 26 歲男子 Jan Schünemann 信奉「尿療法」,他認為這是所有疾病、病毒的最佳藥物,更形容人類是自己的疫苗。方法很簡單,他每天都會飲用 1.7 至 3.9 升尿液,亦會用尿液洗眼、洗鼻及抹身。據他表示,自從 3 年前用了「尿療法」後他的生活質素得到改善,每天只需睡 4 到 7 小時精力就十分充沛,而且他亦沒有生過病,除非是進食過垃圾食物。
People who drink their own urine claim it gives them better skin, helps them lose weight and keeps them feeling young.
Those committed to the bizarre lifestyle have lifted the lid on why they drink their urine instead of flushing it, and say it is a natural way to boost your health.
Drinking urine, rubbing it into the skin and even washing your eyes with it is apparently a centuries-old practice, and is believed by some to cure diseases, boost energy and even reverse ageing.
And thanks to health bloggers promoting the seemingly grotesque idea online, more people are turning to the toilet for their health benefits.
Christo Dabraccio, a meteorologist from Idaho, says drinking his urine helped him lose 30lbs (13.6kg) and leaves him feeling 'like Superman'.
And after he recommended it to painter Julia Sillaman, from Maryland, she claims it has worked wonders for her acne and she's shed 25lbs (11.3kg) in the process.
But scientists say there is no evidence the practice has any benefits and one said people drinking their urine 'do nothing more than make a mockery of themselves'.
Julia Sillaman, 26, and Christo Dabraccio, 49, say drinking their own urine has helped them to lose weight and makes them feel more energised, healthier and connected to nature
The fringe following of people drinking their own urine has picked up steam recently in the US, thanks to people recommending it on the internet.
The logic is that urine contains compounds which can be reabsorbed to improve the body's ability to fight disease and provide other detoxifying effects.
But the claims have left a bitter taste in the mouth of experts, who argue there is no scientific evidence to support drinking urine and that it may in fact be harmful.
Christo Dabraccio, 49, claims what is called 'urine therapy' left him feeling like Superman and saw him lose 30lbs – after he got over initially being 'grossed out'.
He said: 'I heard about it online and to be honest I was immediately grossed out. But the more I researched and read testimonials, the more trust I gained.
'Your pee is just a highly filtered derivative of your blood, and blood is your lifeforce, so it makes sense.
'As soon as I tried it, I started feeling like Superman.
'I was loaded with energy, my head was clearer, I felt younger and my skin was glowing. It's like a fountain of youth.'
Mr Dabraccio bottles his urine and drinks approximately three cups every day, as well as using it to wipe his face and wash his eyes.
Christo Dabraccio (pictured before he started what he calls urine therapy) said the more he read about the practice online, the more intrigued he became about doing it – now he says it is 'like a fountain of youth'
Mr Dabraccio says he has lost 30lbs from drinking his own urine and fasting, and claims the grotesque habit leaves him feeling 'loaded with energy'
Mr Dabraccio bottles his urine and drinks approximately three cups every day, as well as using it to wipe his face and wash his eyes
He claims similar practices have been quietly adopted by high-profile figures in Hollywood – but would not name names.
Mr Dabraccio admitted many have turned their nose up at the online community, but said it is worth it to raise awareness for people who want the health benefits.
He has lost 30lbs since starting the treatment alongside dry fasting, in which people avoid consuming water for short periods of time.
He said: 'I understand why people can be skeptical, I felt the same way when I first saw it.
'But at the end of the day, I'm not trying to sell anything. We can't sell you your own pee – I'm just promoting freedom.
'I like to open people's eyes to something that can help them.'
Julia Sillaman, 26, claims to have improved her acne after Christo recommended she start massaging urine onto her face.
As well as curing her complexion, she says she has lost 25lbs and improved her digestion since taking up urine therapy.
Painter Ms Sillaman, from Maryland, said: 'I was breaking out badly in acne, but I was hesitant to see a dermatologist.
Julia Sillaman, 26, said she was 'hesitant' to visit a dermatologist after developing severe acne, and instead tried drinking her own urine and rubbing it on her face
Ms Sillaman said the idea of drinking her own urine did not gross her out when she found out about it, and now says it has cleared up her skin problem as well as helping her lose 25lbs in the process
Ms Sillaman, a painter, said she has more energy and that drinking her urine has 'changed my life' – and, she claims, after fasting her urine began to taste like coconut water
'That's when I met Christo – I remember seeing how healthy he looked and how clear his eyes were. He told me to try urine therapy for my skin.
'It didn't gross me out, I was intrigued. The day after I started massaging it into my skin, the inflammation went down and my skin smoothed out.
'After I started fasting, the pee stopped smelling and started tasting like coconut water.
'I have more energy and feel more in touch with nature. This has changed my life – I feel like a different person.
'I think I will do it for the rest of my life, but maybe not as strictly as I am now.
'I expected my family to be weirded out, but after seeing my results some of them are trying it for themselves.
'That's when I met Christo – I remember seeing how healthy he looked and how clear his eyes were. He told me to try urine therapy for my skin.
'It didn't gross me out, I was intrigued. The day after I started massaging it into my skin, the inflammation went down and my skin smoothed out.
'After I started fasting, the pee stopped smelling and started tasting like coconut water.
'I have more energy and feel more in touch with nature. This has changed my life – I feel like a different person.
'I think I will do it for the rest of my life, but maybe not as strictly as I am now.
'I expected my family to be weirded out, but after seeing my results some of them are trying it for themselves.
'I get why people might think it's weird, because it's not accepted. Most people's pee smells bad, so we think it's' gross.
'But with more success stories I think it could change.'
Some followers of urine therapy believe it dates back to Biblical times.
However, no independent research has been done on the practice, and kidney specialists have warned consuming too much can lead to a build-up of toxic waste similar to the effects of kidney failure.
Professor Henry Woo, a urological surgeon at the University of Sydney, said: 'There is absolutely no scientific evidence to suggest that urine therapy has any therapeutic value.
'Those who drink their own urine do nothing more than make a mockery of themselves.'
The people who drink their URINE to lose weight and cure acne
不曉得酸酸們有沒有聽過「尿療法」?這種民俗偏方沒有任何實證的醫學效用,可是相信的人就深信不疑。古代中國就說童子尿能治病,到了現代,仍然有不少人相信飲尿可以強身健體,還幫尿取了個有點玄的名字:回龍湯。而美國馬里蘭州的朱莉亞(Julia Sillaman),她對尿療法更是深信不疑。
延伸閱讀:腳水腫小便有泡可能腎臟出事? 自測蛋白尿及早發現腎病警號
At a busy and expensive alternative health centre in Bangkok, one patient told of a remarkable cure.
In January she had an operation for colon cancer - but refused the recommended chemotherapy.
Now she says she has eliminated her cancer through diet, prayer - and daily urine therapy.
"I started drinking my own urine after hearing from a monk that if you have any kind of disease, urine drinking will help," she said.
Supporters say the practice has been followed for hundreds of years
Her doctor, Dr Banchob, started recommending urine therapy a few months ago, instructing patients to collect their own urine in the morning and drink it untreated, starting with small amounts and progressing to a glassful a day.
He now says he has seen some remarkable cures - from cancer to back pain.
It is a controversial claim and when Dr Banchob recently started organising public seminars on the topic, it caused strong media interest.
"In the ancient times or early days in the rural area, I think Thai people practising this. But very personal. They don't open up their secret to anybody. But after we discuss in the public, there's a reaction from the public, pro and con," Dr Banchob said.
'Not recommended'
But in a modern private hospital in the capital Bangkok - where conventional Western medicine and commercialism are practised - kidney specialist Dr Siribha will not be advising her patients to drink their own urine.
"If somebody asked my opinion, I will warn them not to do that," she said.
Urine is the body's way of getting rid of things it doesn't want, she says, and can contain harmful toxins.
"If something is too much and not useful in our body, then the body will excrete in the urine or in the faeces or in a stool. The body didn't want it any more. So I don't think it's a good idea to re-eat or to re-drink the thing our body don't need it any more," she said.
Supporters of urine drinking say it has been practised in Thailand for hundreds of years.
But officials at the government's Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine say there is no record of the practice.
Deputy Director Dr Pennapa Subcharoen says she has tried to organise research in the past, but can never find enough volunteers willing to take part.
In the meantime, the department does not recommend it.
"Urine treatment is Chinese traditional medicine, and popular in Japan and some traditional believe in India. I'm not sure it's beneficial for the Thai people or not by such method, because there's no paper or no clinical trials about this," she said.
Thailand's general public may still need some convincing. When we went out to talk to shoppers one Saturday, many said that they had heard about urine therapy, but not many were enthusiastic about trying it themselves.
"I've read about it, but I'm not convinced. If I was ill, I'd rather go to the doctor," one man said.
"I've heard about it on television but I only half believe in it. If I had some sort of incurable disease, I suppose I might try it," a woman said.
Many in Thailand's urban middle class are rediscovering traditional and alternative medicine - but urine therapy, it seems, is still to catch on.
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