要令細胞水合,飲尿是最有效方法。無任何外物能像自己的液態黃金一樣滋潤身體。 事關尿經已俾身體處理過,並非異物,所以可以立即吸收應用。自己的尿是治療慢性脫水的最佳方法。
Urine Consumption as the Best Way for Cellular Hydration. By UrineTherapie.
Urine consumption is the most effective method toward proper cellular hydration. Nothing external will ever hydrate your body as well as your own liquid gold. Because urine is already processed by your body and is not a foreign substance, it is immediately absorbed and put into use. Your own urine is the best remedy for chronic dehydration.
Article link: https://www.hongkongurinetherapy.com/%e9%a3%b2%e5%b0%bf%e6%98%af%e6%bb%8b%e6%bd%a4%e7%b4%b0%e8%83%9e%e6%9c%80%e4%bd%b3%e6%96%b9%e6%b3%95-urinetherapie%e8%91%97-dr-chapman-chen-%e7%b7%a8/
#UrineTherapy #Urotherapy